Monster Regeneration

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jun, Nov 11, 2014.

  1. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Do all the critters regenerate? Or am I just finding new ones?

    I haven't seen a four-star fish in ages (weeks). But the four-star ships seem to regenerate in just a day. Ghost ships I've never seen regenerate, I only seem to discover new ones.

    Anyone else with this experience?
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Everything regenerates. But they aren't set to a specific location. They have a range they can spawn in.
  3. 912mig

    912mig Powder Monkey

    my level 4 bigger fish spawned two times at H2. After that it never respawned again (and I'm missing it badly). Someone has the other positions where the lvl4 bigger fish spawns??
  4. # Johnny Doe #

    # Johnny Doe # First Mate

    @912mig mine come around
    H2 and H3 and W10 or W11
  5. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Are they regenerating for you?
  6. vDrag0n

    vDrag0n Powder Monkey

    Not for me. I've killed the ones that jonny spoiled and they only come back as 3star. They might be somewhere else on the map, but i haven't explored the entire map yet to know.
  7. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    They are likely just on undiscovered tiled on the map.
  8. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    What % exploration are you, bear?
  9. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  10. 912mig

    912mig Powder Monkey

    Bah, I have nothing on W10 and W11 :mad:

    I have discovered 78% of the map and only lvl 3 fishes spawns. the last 5 fishes I killed I got only 100 bp each, thats tough.

    I stopped explore to open more squares, I'm only killing fishes cause I have 10500 bp and trying to reach 15k for lvl 6 academy.
  11. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    I'm with you 912, I'm at 82% and only have 3 star fishes left. Also only getting 100bp or so each. :(
  12. Bear

    Bear Commodore

  13. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Anyone getting a regenerating 4-star big fish with >75% explored? I seriously haven't seen one in weeks.. Was it replaced by the witchy squid? If it was still around, it might make this BP deal more manageable as well..
  14. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Some of the events were replaced for Halloween, but don't worry they'll be back
  15. Jun

    Jun First Mate

    Thanks Chris! I appreciate the response.
  16. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm starting to think the 4* Bigger Fishes either do not respawn after each one has been killed 2x in a given location, or respawn in some distant corner of the map. I killed one 3x before it vanished (after losing to it once), and another vanished after being killed 2x. Given that these things can apparently give up to 2,000BP, it would make sense for them to not be a constantly-farmable monster.
    Gangrene Beard likes this.

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