Hypothesizing the Next Legendary Pirates

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Danny Liu, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    A recent statement by Midoki stated that six legendary pirates will be reeased before the next Legend Fort upgrade meaning that you won't have to worry about not having enough slots to catch them all (Sorry for that reference.)

    To start off all 12 resources mention only 8 of the 12 pirates- McKraken, Heston, Romeo, Blackbeard, Ching Shih, Anabelle, Caesar, and Tinto- Lets narrow down this list.

    It only makes sense for the Legends to need a Common and a Rare item in it's upgrade as this has been true for the 3 legends available to us since the update. Looking at all the Pirates, Tinto and Caesar are the only Legends to not be mentioned for a rare item so that leaves us with 6 pirates.

    Next we would assume that the Legend available to everyone would be new, this would most likely be Anabelle since she uses one common and one rare item. The alternate pirate would be either Heston or Romeo -whatever one you didn't get-

    This leaves us with Blackbeard and Ching, these Legends are the only ones that need THREE items to level up, a Common (which is shared by a legend which was released in the first wave), an uncommon and an epic item. I feel these 2 legend will be released in the third wave of legends as the epic items are only found in chests and a lot can be done with this, maybe even incorporating the epic items as drops from monsters in the new exploration maps.

    This is only a theory but I do find this realistic and a real possibility of what the Legends might be next weekend; but of course if Midoki reads tho, don't be surprised if they change things up.
  2. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Its probably going to be 6 of the pirates they've released teasers of, so ching, blackbeard, and annabelle are very likely to be the last three.

    The other materials will be coming along with a new exploration map apparently :)
  3. Alphafox

    Alphafox First Mate

    looking forward to ching blowing through all my walls and destroying defenses immediately...
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I'm willing to bet that the ching everyone got in the past will be the max lvl ching or close to it. We will get a much weaker and slower ching.
  5. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    I can here the screams of protest now along with accusations of it being another 'bug'....
  6. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Haha. Probably. But to me it just makes sense.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    She will start off at about the power she was if you were a PH4 when you got her. But her strength and hp won't even matter, the fact that she can rally all your maxed troops to rush the defenses is vastly more important to her actual stats.

    Mack can bypass walls to get to a mid-base store and aoe destroy all the mortars/gps inside with his hook ability at max level; I doubt Ching's stats will matter much in comparison to any other legendary as an actual unit. Her stats aren't what made her great. The fact that you could drop her with a handful of thieves really far away, rally them and have them go invisible, and then they sneak into the base and wipe out all the mortars and GP before they can be spotted, is significantly more useful than one superunit.
    # Johnny Doe #, Bear and HunterToan like this.
  8. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I agree that she is more useful, but we don't know all the skills of the new pirates yet. I imagine there are some others that might encourage or lead troops to attack other things. I just don't think that ANY of the LP are going to be very good fresh off the boat.
    Danny Liu likes this.
  9. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Agree with @Bear on that point, until they get trained significantly they will be less than 'Legendary' to higher level bases
    Bear likes this.
  10. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    Hahaha omg nice pun.
  11. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Did I miss this? Link please?

    Yeah I guess they could do more with having them available in some monsters/ships on a new map, but their epics are already available (and I have 6 Rubies and 2 Diamonds already)
    But I do like your reasoning. Good work :)
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
  12. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    It was a PM between Beck and myself, I asked Beck about the 6 pirate capacity and it was confirmed that the fort will gain new levels to hold more than 6 pirates by the time they release any more than the first 6. I shared the conversation on the public Slack group - you should join us there if you aren't already in it!
    Beck [Midoki] likes this.
  13. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    I wonder if that means an update within 2.5 weeks time or if the trade ship is going to arrive with dupes...
  14. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Given that 1 pirate each week is fixed and 1 is random, it could well be the 7th trade ship where we get the new fort, after every pirate has been that weeks "fixed" pirate once. :/

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