Improvements at the Higher Ranks

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Daddy P, Mar 6, 2015.

  1. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    There are multiple comments/complaints/suggestions scattered throughout this forum on this topic. Hopefully we can consolidate them here. There is not much incentive to rank up over 700 PR, but for those who like an ego trip here are a few items I have noticed that need improvement. Please add yours to the list.

    1. It is very frustrating trying to climb when you get 1-7 PR on a 3-star win but stand to lose 15-20 PR on a loss. One failed attack can wipe out multiple wins. This needs to be adjusted. You should get more PR for taking out a top base. [See Midoki Note in No. 4, below]

    2. Once you get over 700 PR a handful of the same people keep attacking you repeatedly, sometimes multiple times in a day. Easy to crack a base when you hit it 10-15 times. Plus, its just down right boring to log on and see the same names over and over hitting you (it can't be fun to keep hitting the same base over and over again either). There needs to be a blackout after you are attacked by someone. For example, if someone attacks you, you should not be able to be attacked by the same person for 48 hours to a week after unless you revenge.

    3. With such a thin population over 700, especially over 800, there needs to be an incentive to rank up to swell the population. Some suggestions are big gem achievements, resource bonuses, and big BP rewards.

    In another thread, I made the following suggestions:

    @Lynsey [Midoki] commented as follows on the gem achievement idea for higher ranks:
    4. @Lynsey [Midoki] commented as follows with respect to increasing targets at higher ranks:
    5. It is very difficult to revenge when you rank up. For some reason, people's bases are either "rebuilding" (which I take to mean online) or "under shield." It's rare that I am able to revenge anyone when I am over 700 rank. There is currently a thread on this issue at:

    6. I know guild wars are "coming." When that feature is added, it would be great to have an option for various guilds to challenge each other with rewards for the winner (as opposed to just a random guild match like in Clash of Clans). @Arr has suggested a great idea (as an example of what could be done):
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2015
  2. J0ck0

    J0ck0 First Mate

    i think they should remove PR as a factor for match making. match making should be based on PH level and then a calculation based on building/defense levels. no reason i shouldn't be able to attack a PH8 at 150 PR no matter what my PR is. i also agree that the amount of PR lost in a failed attack needs to drop considerably as well as the amount of PR gained in an attack at a higher level should remain the same as any other level. no more three star attacks only to receive ONE PR.
  3. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    These are exactly the reasons why I dropped out of the 700's. Well, and the stacking/free troop bug exploitation. Heading up again shortly to see if things have gotten any better.
  4. JimmyM32

    JimmyM32 Crew

    I agree with @J0ck0 above, at the upper levels you can win 20 attacks for 1pr and loose 1 attack and drop 23 pr. Strange calculation. I believe @Arr calculated that a person needs somewhere around a 96% success rate to advance at those levels...but don't quote me on that lol
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    Keep in mind for every adjustment made it messes with other aspects of the game. I am in total agreement there should be more incentive to focus on rank. However, this is still a game called "Plunder Pirates". As a pirate captain part of your strategy must be farming soft targets to keep up with buildings and pirate training. With level 10 walls costing $900k each and level 11 at $1+ million each somebody explain how you would ever max your base if only allowed to attack other maxed bases? Not to mention the ridiculous cost of every other item in the game. If Midoki messes with the formula too much and makes it impossible to continuously upgrade, I know many would simply quit playing the game. Moral of the story, be careful what you wish for and the grass is always greener.
  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I don't disagree with you. Supercell killed Clash of Clans with that very thing. I'm hoping they expand targets by allowing matched PHs while at the same time preserving the ability to rank down and hit softer bases. This can work together.
  7. TBird

    TBird Captain

    And once you can attack matched PH levels instead of just by PR, they should fix the multi attacks the same day. Once a base is attacked it needs to be pulled out of the attackers rotation for 3-5-7 days till there's a revenge, once one rounds of revenge happens, the bases are off each other's rotation for x days.
    This stops the point farming of pig farms/big brother bases. And stops the bully attacks of 5-10 attacks a day on a base by the same person.
    @Lynsey [Midoki] and @Chris [Midoki] ?

    I'm sure shinn and the 3 tree China guy are saying "I want to burn that TBird with Fire," but there are only a few bases that show up in your rotation when you get up high. And those happen to always have grog for me :)
    Kawika and The Fish Eyed Pirate like this.
  8. This is one thread where I would like to see the opinion of Midoki on. I think some great ideas are stated here!
    Especially what @Tim Thomas just said. But the rest is also very, very good stuff!
  9. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I ageree with all of this stuff. The horror stories (and ridiculous lack of loot) up there is why so many of us are simply not interested in venturing beyond 250-300 until big changes are made. Been up there twice, stalled out, went bankrupt. Not what I'd call fun.
  10. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain


    Sounds like we are going to need this stuff sooner rather than later.
  11. 小绿(Green)

    小绿(Green) First Mate

    Totally disagree. The award for winning against enemie bases shoudn't be adjusted. Leaderboards is made for those who play strategically and well. Being at top 50 shoud even have more difficulties, otherwise where is the honour of being at top. If it was that easy, everyone will be capable to do it. And, no one will ever look at the leaderbords and consider the top 50 players as pros. In addition, people in my guild are saying that getting to top 20 is way too easy.

    The award system is just fine. Anyone that have been at top200 are very experienced.

    You just lost 20PR, well you deserve it. It's so easy to get three stars. Now with Chin, even easier.
    and you can't even have one star? o_O
  12. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    I've been in the top 13 USA, and, you're right, it wasn't that big a deal. For one, most players don't want to be up there because it's worthless. So many talented players are not competing for those top spots, so it's really a false sense of achievement. This is why there needs to be more encouragement to rise in the ranks (see other threads on that). Additionally, anyone who has been in the top ranks knows that most points come from defense. You can win 15-20 points on a defense victory and 1-7 on an offense victory. So, it encourages players to not attack. Alternatively, players gem rush troops so they can fight battle after battle without logging off so they can accumulate enough offense points, then they shield up and log off. So, I restate and stand by my point, this needs to be addressed.
  13. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    Bumping this old thread cause of a persisting irritation. When ranked 650+ you have to crawl 1-3 pr at a time on offense yet lose huge pr on a defense loss. This is immensely frustrating and discourages people from ranking up. I think this needs to be changed so that +pr is calculated on comparative base strengths as opposed to relying so heavily on pr. If I am ranked 700 and an opponent is ranked 500 (both mostly maxed PH9s), it is crazy for me to be limited to +1-3 pr for a 3* win while I stand to lose 14-24 on a defense loss to that same player. It's especially bad now that offense is so overpowered, cause no one wins defenses any more in the upper pr regions. When this was originally posted, there was at least the possibility of picking up pr on defense--gone are those days.

    @Lynsey [Midoki] why cant this be adjusted? We have complained about this for ages.
    Bou Regreg and 850arrr like this.
  14. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Here here!
    Daddy P likes this.
  15. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    +1 it gets worse as you get higher.. it the 800-900PR you next 20-30 times just to find one base that will give you +1 PR for a 3 star win.. By far most are +0 PR for a 3 star win / -26 PR for a loss.
    So yes, very discouraging...
    850arrr and Daddy P like this.
  16. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Too much fun doesn't fit the freemium model.
  17. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

  18. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

  19. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Still, a much better and logical answer than the one I received a few weeks ago.

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