[1.5.0 - 2.0.1] Gunners Under The Influence Of Ching Shih's Get Over Here! Won't Attack Walls

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by c00ni, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Gunners under the influence of Ching Shih's Get Over Here! won't attack walls. I noticed it a few times and finally got around to capturing it. See this replay which shows the behaviour exactly the same way as the real battle:

    I've noticed that Ching Shih will get her influenced crew to go around systematically destroying defensive buildings before targeting any other building, no matter how far away they are.
    • All influenced units will target the building Ching Shih is currently targeting, even if there is another defensive building in closer range.
    • Ranged units will attack over walls if they have immediate sufficient range whilst Ching Shih breaks down a wall that's in the way (see Gunners taking down the Mortar after the Bunker, before Ching Shih had access to it).
    • Whilst Bombers will happily attack a wall together with Ching Shih, Gunners struggle to figure out what's going on, moving a step and pausing or just simply standing still until the wall is destroyed (see Gunners after taking down the Mortar, next target being the Mystic Mortar within the walls).
    From what @Lynsey [Midoki] was saying in another thread, it sounds like a patch has already been submitted for (hopeful) release this week. A second bug-fix patch is unlikely but I guess we can always hope?
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2015
    Kelani likes this.
  2. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    This bug remains unresolved in 2.0.1.
    Here is a capture using a Lv 2 Ching Shih showing identical behaviour as when she first appeared for CNY last year.

    • Whilst Bombers will happily attack a wall together with Ching Shih, Gunners struggle to figure out what's going on, moving a step and pausing or just simply standing still until the wall is destroyed

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