Battle AI change?

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by jips76, Jun 9, 2015.

  1. hidyhorum

    hidyhorum Crew

    Sorry for the long quote, but happens to me often too!
  2. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    This is Actually one of the most annoying battle ai flaws in the game. U hit the nail on the head. I do know how to beat this layout though... U need to let the bombers get to the southern east or southern west side and use those cabooms. The guildship is creating an impassable area for "some" troops Directly at its southern end. Personally I think this is a flaw too based on how the real ship works. But the real ship has flaws with the ai sometimes too. But that doesn't happen as frequent as the guildship.
  3. C.Calamity

    C.Calamity Crew

    According to the detail on the base drawing and the behaviour of other objects/buildings, the crew should be able to walk around the guild ship. They currently don't like to.

    I have to ask though. I've seen on more than a few occasions where a single-lane access point to the walled interior is taken up by a brute/jugg, suddenly everyone behind him decides to find another entry. Is this a mistake or just really advanced AI? ie, passage thru the one-unit hole in single file please.

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