It seems that many players I know are not playing as much since the rumble matching changed to 1vs1. I have an idea. Make a rumble button that provides a selection of what kind of rumbles you want. 1vs1 2vs2 3vs3 4vs4 5vs5.
I mentioned in another thread that rumbles should include at least 3 guilds. I’ve noticed the top rumble guild and monthly leaderboards seem to be a lot lower points wise than they used to be. That means people are spending less and less on the game. Im sure the top guilds prob see it more than others. When you get a mismatch, it’s completely boring and doesn’t make me wanna play more or spend my gems when you know it’s gonna be a complete washout.
I just had my fastest match ever, hit rumble button, as I was typing “Friday Rumble” we matched within 3 seconds with Purgatory, I believe MaBaker is Captain
This isn't going to happen as it'd would completely tank the matchmaking, potentially taking days due to the number of guilds rumbling being split between five different pools. You'd find certain categories of Rumble becoming obsolete as guilds flock to the category that has the fastest matchups. Whilst the current matchmaking is far from perfect (we're working on it!), we've found that a lot more guilds are Rumbling now and, as a whole, the quality of matchups have much improved from the 5v5 days. However, there's obviously still a lot of room for improvement, which we're currently looking at.
Really rumbling and making attacks or only pushing the start button and sitting it out to get the 2. place rewards for doing not much or nothing? We have seen that alot lately
When we can maybe expect the matchmaking improvements? Those where rumble averages are included for matchmaking
We won't necessarily be going straight to using Rumble averages, but we hope to teak the matchmaking by increasing the amount of time it takes before it starts stretching the parameters soon. We'll hopefully have a bit more time once today's update is out!
But when only counting how many ph’s from every level and the matchmaking is based on that??? The ph level doesn’t tell anyhting about a players/guilds gameplay, really not. How it can be fairer then? The same continues. A top 5 guild still matches with a top 50-80 guild only because of that that they have about the same amount of same ph levels. That makes no sense.
I’ve seen guilds doing next to nothing. Think about it.... 5 gems guarantees you a reward without doing anything else other than spending those 5 gems. I like to try and win so I’d never do such a thing. If a guild gets a match they don’t like or know they aren’t gonna win, why would they bother trying to score or gem recruit at all? I ranked up finally in the 900-950 range. I can tell you on off rumble days I’m barely getting attacked. Used to be 6-700 ranks I would get hit immediately after logging off. How can there be more attacking happening?
Keep 1v1 as an option and just make Rumbles where we have about 5 maxed strongholds to destroy with immense rewards