Server Down?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Black-ish Beard, Mar 4, 2021.

  1. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

  2. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Yes me too. I remember midoki did tell me the country that hosts their servers had a power outage. Let's hope all gets fixed ASAP
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  3. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Give it a few hours and don't stress, it may take a while.
  4. I didn't see this at first. I am seeing the same.
  5. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    It's happened before, takes time but all should be sorted in a few hours hopefully
  6. Poppa Bob

    Poppa Bob Crew

    What country hosts the servers?
  7. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    This was the situation from last time it happened, I'm assuming the same or something similar may have happened again. I didn't get in to all the technical stuff but I'm hoping that the players don't suffer in gameplay and Midoki grant us some extra time for the guild event in progress
  8. Black-ish Beard

    Black-ish Beard Captain

    Aaaaaand, we’re back in the saddle
    Unique Rebel likes this.
  9. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Apologies, we had a server outage overnight. Out of hours we have a company that keeps an eye on things and fixes any issues, but unfortunately they couldn't manage it this time, so after a while they contacted us, and our server coder had to fix it at 3am!
    Black-ish Beard and Unique Rebel like this.
  10. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    (btw, for anyone interested in tedious details - not all of the servers were affected. If you were already logged in you were able to play OK, but the server that deals with new log ins and who goes where went down, so people couldn't get into the game during that period).
    Black-ish Beard and Unique Rebel like this.
  11. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Servers were down many hours, my gameplay routine was most definitely effected and so many other players too. The variety of players that had their gameplay effected did show as I saw players started to show up on pp forums as what we always do when such things do happen. There is no blame on any party or anyone, just was hoping players would receive an extension in guild event time as it only feels fair that way. Also a typical duplicate outfit in Dapper Chest isn't always a reward worthy of hard work but if it were gems or a guaranteed new outfit for the collection then it's more worth us having a riot here. I leave it in the good hands of the plunder gods to see what is best for all and most importantly what's best for the gameplay
    Black-ish Beard likes this.
  12. The DeathStriker

    The DeathStriker Powder Monkey

    Yes same for me don’t really know what happened..
    Unique Rebel likes this.

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