Hello, I can’t get into the game because it tells me to update but when I try to update in the apple store it doesn’t have that option. I remember this happened last time too. Please help, I need to plunder Thanks!!
I have the same issue as Sharon. The game won’t start because update is available. But when I click that button and it takes me to App Store update is not available.
I had the same issue myself this morning. The App Store didn’t refresh, so showed no update when I tried. You might have delete and reinstall the game. Just make sure if you use more than one device to wait 48h to update further devices to avoid a plunder point penalty. You can also check Midoki’s response from my thread I started when I asked this morning. http://forum.plunderpirates.com/index.php?threads/latest-update-issues.11572/
Was there this morning a new update released? i had to install via app again a few minutes ago? on Samsung Galaxy Tab A
Yep, it's in the release notes of the current update - it's mostly identical, but we'd identified a few new issues impacting a few Android models.
I haven’t seen an update, same as my entire guild. What’s the story? Is this a testing group before the long overdue up date finally gets released to the rest of us?
Nope, update isn't due this month as we're still beavering away on all of the shiny new levels of (totally not pink honest) buildings and defences, new LP and Pirate levels, etc.
Looking forward to it! I’m really hoping you guys figure out how to bring more materials into the game. It’s really at a standstill since the chest were redone last time. Silo at 35% will not get much done for any new LP upgrades. Good news for those crazy streakers who have a hoard of unopened chest from before.
A lot new stuff is coming First the ph upgrade and the rest later? Is it the same time schedule like you did it with the A.R.R.R.? --> aeros came 2 weeks after the airdefense Or all at once?? @Lynsey [Midoki] The new ph level, weapons, academy upgrade first or "only" new pirate levels? How about voodoo hut?
All at once! The Aeronaut was a bit of a special case, as there aren't any other defences to take them down other than the A.R.R.R, so we wanted to give people the opportunity to build the A.R.R.Rs before unleashing the Aeronauts upon them! We have split PH upgrades (buildings & PH skills/defences) over two updates in the past (I think PH9 and 10?), but we've since decided it was better to take a bit more time and get it done in one update as a) you don't have that awkward prolonged period where the Pirates training levels and defence levels are mismatched, and b) we don't have the awkwardness that updates usually bring (where people can't find the update, etc). And yes, the Voodoo Hut will be getting a new level alongside the Academy.
This is all such great news! So happy to hear everything will come in one big update! Question @Lynsey [Midoki] - will weapons require BP for the upgrades? Thanks and happy sailing! -Oak
Soooooooo....... it’s happening when the event ends...... looking forward to it. Also, whilst I am here, it’s been a while since I was blatant, so here goes. If anyone would like to join me and my fellow pirates, we are Real pirates.
And very important questions i forgot to ask!! @Lynsey [Midoki] Pirate catcher??? Level up too? Ship?? longer range?? What else? The BP will be again a issue for many of us, but... that gives you time to work on ph 13