Hi, I just updated plunder pirates and now my interface is over scaled. All icons are way too big and overlap. My island looks normal though. Is this a common issue?
yup, after updating PP on iphone 5c ios 10 and ipad 2 ios 9 today, is not possible to play PP because over scaled. Even the intro. Island and map ok, but icons and popups like errands much too big and overlaped. But ads are correct...
Hi Thanks for reporting this issue. We were made aware of this problem as soon as the update went live and are working quickly to fix it. We appreciate your patience. Thanks
Hello from France I have the same problem on IPhone 4S IOS 9.3.5, on IPhone 5S IOS 10.2.1, On Windows Surface Windows10 with Bluestacks 2 It's Ok on IPhone 7+ IOS 10.2.1, on Tablet LG Android.
I think we have a potential workaround for the older iPhones - you should see an improvement if you go into: Settings Then Display & Brightness And change DISPLAY ZOOM View from Zoomed to Standard
Yep, it's an issue with older and lower end devices that have lower resolution displays (both iOS and Android) - we're hoping to have a fix winging its way soon.
@Lynsey [Midoki] workaround doesn't work, 'cause there is nothing like Display Zoom View in my iOS 9 and 10 german version of Display&Brightness
Are you on iPad or iPhone? The feature may not be available in the much older iPhones (older than iPhone 6, I think), sadly. The fix is well underway though, which will sort all of the impacted iOS and Android devices - we're hoping to have the submission for the bug fix approved soon.
@Lynsey [Midoki] old iPad2 with iOS 9 (no iOS 10 upgrade possible) and not so old iPhone 5c with iOS 10