Has anyone else noticed the same that the battle points aren't right? I got an wrong NUMBER while searching(took also a screenshot).... it was a rumble rival with ph 11.... I should get from him or her 1237 ppts, own PR is 742 atm and I have also an ph 11. The game offers me 521 ppts An other player in my guild had that same players base yesterday as an ph 9 ??? I saw the picture. It was the same player(name and emojis), same PR 292, but i saw it today as an ph 11 and the game offers me only the ppts for an raided ph 9. Fix it please! That was after the 2. maintenance this morning after 10 am Finland time! I haven't uninstalled and installed my game. No problems with other players bases. Game shows the 990 ppts or the 1237 like it should. I play with only one device under the same Apple ID. I sent already a in game support ticket with the screenshot picture.
Unfortunately you've fallen victim to an old, odd and very obscure bug where you've been presented with one base, but the details for another - so the name, loot, rank and Rumble Rival status belongs to one player (in this case, who is PH9), but the base layout is actually another player's (in this case who is PH11). It happens so rarely that we've never quite managed to track down what causes it - if you'd attacked the player, the loot, any rank loss/gain and shield would have gone to the PH9 Rumble Rival, rather than the base you attacked (and the replay would have been bonkers, as it'd show the troop deployment you used against the PH11, but against the PH9). If anyone spots this again, please send in a ticket!
Yes, I’m having the same problem, third time now. I only get less than half for a 3-står victory, 600 instead of 1200-1500. I’m in the 900 pr range and the only solution I’ve found is to drop down to below 100 and start climbing again. Sad that this issue hasn’t been fixed yet, along with correct replays and cheating top 1000 players (gem-shielding without correct cooldown periods and/or using emulators to stay online forever). But, I understand that this money worshipping world we makes Midoki prioritize profit related issues. Also, Midoki, please stop this greedy trend! (Reduction of gem awards, interrupting adverts during holidays, new troops with absurd recruitment times, etc..) Seriously, this greedy side has been a frequent topic in chat last few months... it’s not nice! Modest spoils chest for completing northern map, no gem awards anywhere... it’s a JOKE! Thanks anyway for a great game, by far my favorite... still! Max Maximus Meyham Mutineers