Oh yeah he's hardheaded but he has been with us before we saw all this mini stuff he has some more upgrading to do before he can hit the trigger on PH6 but we have a rule on nothing below PH6 didn't use to till we saw all the complaining about minis before we just had 275 rank now we have both 275 & PH6 how unfortunate for those trying to get up & in a guild that we require ph6 but we didn't want all the fuss so anyways yeah Willecca I must tell him to read this ,,lol
if he's actively upgrading and trying to grow he's not really a mini, there's a difference between being low level because you're new and upgrades take a while to finish, and just not upgrading on purpose to stay low level, but with 1255bp it does look very fishy.
Congrats on your next win we will NOT GEM I have gave the orders of no GEMMING u guys r out there I give u the win as of now
That fine, stick to your game Smokey. We aren't judging or anything. It's your guild and you can do as you feel. No obligations, understood you wrong a bit. Just trying to say that we are a strong guild and that we earned the win and played fair, and that we are very happy for win. No need to bring in the rumbles you have won against us, because we know you have beat us many times previously, as you have a great guild indeed. So I hope you have many great rumbles in the future and wish you happy rumbling! Let's keep the forum joyous and not argue over what has already happened. Good day, SKILLZ, proud member of TheDeathShadow
I agree with you Skillzone you guys have an awesome guild aswell and wish u the best in this game we all enjoy we really do hope everyone enjoys it as much as we do , but we have decided not to Use gems anymore in our rumbles we feel the winner is MIDOKI & they have done a great job on it we however will give it our best in all our rumbles have a great night everyone as I need to get some sleep for work week starts tomorrow night to all pirates & enjoy
Think Smokey was referring to his current battle against Laughing Skills. From the look of things, he told his guys not to bother trying. One hour in and Active Hope has 400BP.
I have no dog in this issue, but gemming is not prohibited in rumbles. If people choose to spend their money on gems sobeit. Just because one group chooses not to gem, doesn't mean everyone has to follow their example. Just have fun battling each other in rumbles because remember plunder pirates is a fun game, but a game none the less.
Yep Smokey, but we are not restricting you from gemming. It is your guild and rumble your way, no one will and can stop you. Just enjoy the game and have fun! And happy sleeping.
Yup I agree with you and we however have decided not to gem our top guy has 3/3 plunders to LS 21/23 with BP LS 2,334 to AH 536 we will NOT gem but we will continue to plunder & enjoy the game as always GOODLUCK to everyone enjoy the game
Smokey, we all just want a fair rumble. Don't think we want you to lose as we are one big family in Plunder Pirates and only wish for the best of everyone. Continue to be the great member of the game you already are, and hope you guys close in on LS. But they're tough to beat...
Let what has happened in the past be distant memories if they are willing to change the way they play to make it more fair.
Well we might just incorporate some minis as I see this game has turned wickedly I mean you either use the GEMMING technique & give Midoki their great share of cash flow between us all which Active Hope has decided not to compete in or grab some minis and pull the win in like a lot of us have fallen victims of
Lol Smokey, no one stopped you from gemming, you decided that you would not gem and this the result. Just because you have stopped gemming does not mean other guilds will do the same. However, thank you for taking advice and not using low PH anymore. It's totally up to you. Gemming is in your hand, it's still a clean win. However, at the end of the day, you can be happy knowing you didn't spend anything out of your wallet and had a fun rumble.
Yeahup I agree but what hit me below the belt was this new feeling I got from us losing at last minutes they pulled the PH 2 & 3's out that was a hard lose for us as we never had that happen I read about it and have seen but these guys did a good job so what do we do adapt to the environment minis & gems lmao
I agree with that. But I'm fairly sure Midoki can't or didn't change the way guilds rumble. Guilds are just more keen to win tough rumbles against top guilds like yours and gem to do so. Minis is definitely something that makes me shake my head but I really can't do anything about minis in other guilds. It is what it is I guess. And besides, gotta get my pirate attitude on. Pirates are never known to play the way people want them to, or follow the rules or play fair, you make the rules, we break em! Anyhow, at the end of the day, you lose some and you win some. Gotta adapt to that.
this may be the a contrary opinion to many in this thread, but ole smokey has always been a stand up guy to me. I was a member of AH back when the rumbling started and was a member for a while. Even when the mini issue was in its infancy ole smokey refused to allow it in the guild. I can attest to the no force gemming during that period. It was always if you want... never any pressure. jwilligar