same with me -- it awarded me the Marauder's chest, but it did not appear in my silo. My silo is upgrading atm, fwiw. Very disappointing to see so many major bugs in the latest update!
Actually you weren't supposed to get the marauders chest today (since the rewards reset each Sunday) starting this week you can get the full rewards
Hi The login rewards reset every Sunday. The update came out on Tuesday which meant at maximum you could collect 5 days of rewards. This week you will be able to collect all 7 days. Because the update didn't come out on a Sunday, we thought we would run it anyway so you could at least get the 5 days of free stuff. From now on though, you'll be able to complete all the rewards if you continue to login in every day. Thanks
@Chris [Midoki] thank you for the information! It would have been nice to receive the Marauder chest anyway though!! (Hint, Hint)
I think I know why some people thought they were awarded the Marauder's Chest the first week. The reward interface is poorly designed, with the Marauder's Chest reward underlined in yellow, which can make it seem that is the reward being offered that day. In addition, the reward screen covers up most of the game, so one cannot easily see the change in resources.