Discussion in 'Off topic' started by Unique Rebel, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    I'm so proud to have been able to call you my friend, my heart and prayers go out to your Family my dearest friend Mindy... Now & forever your friend UR
  2. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Been searching for her account only to find that she left to move on to a better place, you will be greatly missed
  3. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Mindy's brave daughter has taken over her account in memory of her mother at her request, now at 'Arctic Sunbath' guild. We plan to rumble tomorrow. If anyone that knew Mindy or would like to have a word with her daughter are welcome to join and pay their respects. Thanks all...
  4. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    Thanks for sharing here, UR, so more folks know, as many knew Mindy.
    It was the saddest day of this game when her daughter (who is the “real” Mindy, by name), came to tell us the news we feared :( would come.
    Mindy was the sweetest pirate ever, even when she was fiercely battling to win a rumble :mad::p!
    I really miss her, and we look forward to seeing young, and also very sweet, Mindy about the game :rolleyes:. Her mom will be smiling down with the angels.
    Heatmiser4 and Unique Rebel like this.
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Very sorry to hear that. Often people don't realise the bonds of friendship and even love (I think we've had two weddings for people that met through Plunder Pirates) that are formed in online games. Obviously the flip side is that sometimes we lose friends too, but it's oddly comforting to know that someone has touched the hearts of so many people that they've never met, across the world. Condolences to Mindy's family and friends.
  6. Heatmiser4

    Heatmiser4 Crew

    Thanks for hosting this UR. I was glad to be able to stop by to chat about Mindy. She was a wonderful person and always so friendly. So glad her daughter is playing. :rolleyes:
    Unique Rebel likes this.
  7. Unique Rebel

    Unique Rebel First Mate

    Thanks for everything Heat. It was a wonderful tribute in memory to a person so passionate in gameplay and heart. Whom would never give up even in a losing battle, always smiling even when in pain. Thanks to Mindy for sharing those wonderful memories. Thanks to Mindy always bringing out the best in others...

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