Thank you to Midoki

Discussion in 'Off topic' started by Pirate Fear, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. It looks like a map.. but when I picked it up out of the SALTY waters it seemed off....
  2. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

  3. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Took a while to find a funny picture:)
  4. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Salty? Hehe. Making you more fit by the second!
  5. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Oh, not the salt water again….
  6. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    It is fine.
    We all take a while sometime.
  7. It was just a leaflet from GreenPeace that paper sealed in plastic is very bad for the fish in the sea..
    - End of story-
  8. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Aye...always the salt water. It always comes back.
  9. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

  10. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Lovely story.
    Ok...come on? 16 seconds between posts now? Grr..
  11. You know.. just dropping this here..
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  12. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Well. I am off. I have school.
    Adios! Spanish
    Goodbye! English
    Valé! Latin

    That's all I know of languages.
  13. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Yea lets settle down for now…. for now…. we will soon rise again.
    Pirate Fear likes this.
  14. Oh and Thank You Midoki for paying for the servers of this forum so we can post memes and some photoshopped man! We Love you!
    Pirate Fear likes this.
  15. Pirate Fear

    Pirate Fear First Mate

    Rise again!
    Get ready for the ride of your life!
  16. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    hahaha:D what tha hell is that pic :D
  17. Just guys stufffff
  18. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Well, he looks fresh though. You workout a lot @The Fish Eyed Pirate, since you are into health magazine and all that ?
  19. Well.. Im not going to lie to you.. I have the body of a greek God.. Just saying
  20. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    nono I believe you man;D how many years you worked out?

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