Just wanted to give a shoutout to @Christy at RFF, @Booty isle at 420 and all their members for giving us one hell of a rumble. This was one of the most fun/nail bitey ones we've had in a very long time. Tons of lead changes, and everybody going all out until the very end. What could be better? Great job, everyone! Also, I was very impressed at the variety of superstrong base layouts you guys had. I saw some designs that I've never seen before, and man, they looked pretty damn tough! Thank Pirate god for the Next button Imgur is being a butt today, so final results: Tortuga Nest: 189,858 420 Pirates: 175,104 Red Flag Fleet: 156,657 pyccne: 62,346 Russia: 28,804 Hopefully this (and our earlier win vs then-#1 POCCNR) will finally put to rest this longstanding misconception that just because TN is laid back doesn't mean we can't be ferocious sometimes.
We had a great time rumbling you guys. It's so nice now when you get a competitive rumble and they are finally fair. You guys kicked butt. Much respect to everyone at Tortuga Nest, 420 Pirates, Pyccne and Russia. We needed a break after that one
Aaaah, forgot about that fairness thing. Total breath of fresh air, there Was lots of fun. Kinda scared to think about how the rematch will go, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it