What is everybody playing?

Discussion in 'Off topic' started by Morgan Ford, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    As Midoki works hard to kill Plunder Pirates, and pi$$ off the last of the remaining players, what is everybody going to play?
    What games are hot right now?
    Are there any cool new games out there?

    Please share what you know.
  2. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Dungeon Bosses and Boom Beach.
    Super-Nor likes this.
  3. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Cool! Are you in a Task Force in Boom Beach?

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    More Boom Beach, Hayday, COC... ups, all supercell games :rolleyes:

    best fiends game is also nice, from Seriously, always new levels and nice events
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  5. do not know what i will be playing going forward but no reason now to continue to upgrade the walls - or upgrade lp's
    I was hoping to finish the 3rd map but now with all rewards being in chests that i cannot open time to start looking for a new game
    While i am getting more battle points all the other econmic changes do not make it worth bothering. I will check in here the next couple weeks to see what games others are playing and let others know where i end up
  6. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Cool please do. For a while now I have been playing Pirates Of The Caribbean: Tides Of War. I also continue to play Boom Beach.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  7. thanks i will check out tides of war and revisit boom beach
  8. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Midoki, what is your next release? You must be working hard on a new game release because you are doing very little to improve this game?
    cap'n freestoner likes this.

    WOLLIMAUS Captain

    I will feed my animals in Hayday more often:D and trade stuffs with other players around the world.
  10. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    Boom Beach task force Beached Piggies. Welcome to join bunch of Wild and Bad Piggies.
    ScoopyWP and Super-Nor like this.
  11. bucket

    bucket First Mate

    Playing coc.
  12. TTFN

    TTFN Crew

    Playing Tides of War
  13. MorganFlint

    MorganFlint Captain

    Battle Bay is fun
  14. Taipanfan

    Taipanfan First Mate

    This is the best post on the forum. If Midoki are dead set on forcing us out of the game, we may as well get the next game off their/our forum.
    ScoopyWP likes this.
  15. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    I need to check this one out. Have not heard of this one.
  16. Morgan Ford

    Morgan Ford First Mate

    Check out Snipers vs Thief. Its a lot if fun!
  17. Taipanfan

    Taipanfan First Mate

    just tried it and it looks okay. Don’t now if it’s the one to replace pirates yet but I’ll give it a fair go.
  18. You have made me download my old hay day game
    WOLLIMAUS likes this.
  19. Taipanfan

    Taipanfan First Mate

    I was playing Simcity Build It, but it got too time consuming when they added guild wars. It’s worth having a look at, but you need to be in a very active guild (they call it something else). It’s a make stuff, swap stuff, upgrade game but the community feel is good and the developer isn’t trying to kill it.
  20. Sea Patriot

    Sea Patriot Captain

    Boom Beach and Compass Point West are both really good games. Compass Point doesn’t charge you to recruit New sidekicks, they go to the medic, get healed and they’re back at the Saloon, yes you keep the gunslingers that don’t die either same with Boom Beach.

    Neither game has perks that drain the life out of you. Compass hasn’t done an upadate in over a year or so but I like the strategy.

    Plus, I like how both games have revolving “strongholds” you can attack once a day for needed resources; none of this attack a stronghold one and done deal.
    Taipanfan and WOLLIMAUS like this.

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