Currently the perks well even when maxed out are not really worth being in a guild for... Are there any plans for guild wars, guild resources sharing, something, anything? Right now there is not much guilds have to offer to the game. What strategies were the Devs thinking of when they created this Forum for Guild Strategies?
There are plans for guild wars in some form. There has even been talk of guilds sailing as an armada for sea battles against other guilds. Also, several new guild perks have been suggested and at least confirmed as a possibility by devs.
For me, the guild chat is reason enough to join - I've learned a ton from my guild mates. Lots of replays posted either for laughs or to see how a particular attack / defense pattern is working out...
Give that another week, it will get old and you will stop watching/caring about replays. Heck you can just post here if you need that human interaction, so chat not enough reason either. ;-) My point is about game play. After a certain point in building the perks are just are not a big deal. So still hoping for much more to come, until then still don't see a "need" for Guilds.
+9 to your attack is noticeable for low and high lv troops. +300 defence to your walls will be even better once mortars stop bouncing troops through them. 10% explore bonus has been discussed in other sections and will hopefully be addressed soon. If those are not enough for you then I guess keep playing alone.
+9 for Troops for my troops is at best a 10% increase for most of them at this point. My walls are 2500 defense so 300 is 12% increase until my walls are upgraded again. 10% increase in explore as you stated, with cost in BP not worth it at all. 10% increase vs cost not really that big of a deal. So thank you, yes I will keep playing alone for now and hoping for cooler things to come out of Guilds. ;-)
BUT, hey tell me a strategy for Guilds, since there is this forum for it? Recruit members that have unlocked perks to lower cost of perks? Recruit higher ranked players so your Guild can be higher Ranked? Oh what? Is that it? The only strategies available currently? No wonders I am the only post really here right now. So YES Guilds need more, more more of ANYTHING! LOL ;-)
This game is about competition, and we as Sinister Souls take pride in being one of the top 10 guilds. But you can also discuss why you should have a high rank. Because there is plenty of easy loot at lower PR rank and less chance to get attacked. Only reason why we do what we do is because we are good at it and take pride in doing what we do best. Winning.
Like others said, the +9 Smith boost is a game changer. You may not notice it when it's active, but you definitely will when it's not. Whenever I get unexpectedly thrashed in a battle I'd normally have won, it's a safe bet my smith perk needs funding. The Mason perk's benefit is also not obvious, until you start paying for L6+ walls. Then it suddenly seems like a great thing. Although at 1.6M grog, the +100 points from the L2 upgrade still seems pretty much worthless, IMO.
Guild perks..... Guess it depends on the guild itself. My main guild perk is 100% the guild members. Chat is always active. Members are always leaving tips and always willing to give advice if it's needed.
@Christy I agree. That is one of the best perks of all. It's a great way to get a second opinion about things. Only 15-18 of my guys ever stop in and chat, but I'm slowly bringing them around.
I wish I could see more than 32 posts in a chat @Kelani I hate missing conversation! And it's full every single time I log in. Sounds like you have a good guild too. The members make the guild
I agree and this was annoying as heck. It made chatting worthless to me, as I never knew what was said since each time I logged in 32 new. It was better being in a small Guild to be able to talk to people and get responses, than the larger ones where you really never are part of the conversation since it moves to fast between log in's (and I an someone who logs in a lot). BUT anyways, this thread is STILL about adding perks, wars, just more, etc... to Guilds, and to actually have this forum start to fill up with strategy.
Pirate catcher has been added. With four guild perks, perks are not absolutely necessary but really nice to have features for joining a guild. (I'm with Christy, chat and guild mates best reason, forums are a different type of communication, very topic related, less banter, and everyine loves banter). So we might not be completly there with wars yet, but we are slowly moving in the right direction.