EPIC Rumble ever

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by queen oyster, Nov 23, 2015.


most powerful rumble clan

  1. Pirates united

  2. Laughing Skull

  3. 名门天下( The elite of the world)

  4. 中国.元素( china.element)

  5. 爱上海5.1 (love Shanghai 5.1)


    0 vote(s)
  1. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    24 gunners. 8 skyraiders 2 wds 1 jugg 17 skellys at ph7 level takes 45 min to build 15 gems for fast complete and since I'm only a ph7. That's what I know for gems and time to build. pLus I didn't figure in streak reduction times. i was just doing straight attack scenario.

    And with the changes I'm doing a modified streak for points. The non chest wins I attack for one star, so max 5 gunners plus LP, gem 1 to rebuild, then at chest wins go full bore for that 3 star win, then let the troops build, time out, Let it sit for a bit, gem what's left.. Repeat till hit 20 wins. Go again. So it works out to being 6 to 9 gems cost per 6 full point wins at the chest save points. This gets me back into the chat faster so I can donate and keep up with the guild.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  2. John56

    John56 First Mate

    You don't put up 160,000 PP streaking with 1-star wins though. too inefficient; you would need a 1-star win almost every minute over 24 hours to get that.

    What you do need is multiple people playing an account. Figure 500 pp per win, and an average of 4 minutes between wins for battle, gemming troops, surrendering to drop PR and searching for your next opponent, 160,000 PP means 320 winning attacks in 21 hours 20 minutes. Either multiple people are sharing accounts to keep them fighting over 24 hours, or there is a serious Red Bull addiction in that Guild...
    850arrr and Fil like this.
  3. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    I seriously love your math! :p

    Regardless of the 1 or multiple players per account... It is still a huge achievement, keeping that many players active in one guild (ok 2 guilds) and going at it.

    Maybe it was like one of those LAN parties, sitting all together at someone's shack with a few crates of beer and a pizza (possibly for this occation sake and sushi)
  4. Pumpkin2012

    Pumpkin2012 Powder Monkey

    In the end, the guild called 名门天下( The Elite of The World) created a new world record, which proved that it is the best guild not only in China but also in the world.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
  5. Pumpkin2012

    Pumpkin2012 Powder Monkey

  6. queen oyster

    queen oyster Powder Monkey

    Thanks Pumpkin2012

    Let me post the China.element top 5 stats
    Consider they cut the deficit from 130k to 50k in the last 2,3 hour.

    Based on the stats, I would say 'china.element' is more impressive as a group.

    'The elite of the world' top 5 are much crazier.
    Think about that, how many clan as a group, ever reach 220,243 rumble points?

    The TOP 5 of the member, together contributed over 860k rumble points!
    With this number,5 of them as a clan, can easily handle either laughing skull or PU.

    Not only that, their average score per game are all above 480. Their No.3 reached whopping 497 per game.
    That means almost 3 star all max base, for hundreds of games.
    I believe this record will last for a long time, maybe forever.

    Finally ,congratulations for both team, for the skill, the dedication and the sportsmanship.

    I am not affiliate with either clan.

    Last edited: Nov 23, 2015
    Gusto C.Cheng likes this.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I get a 3* win against a ph9 every battle with my 8 gem army.

    A typical battle takes me about 2 minutes, its very rare it takes the full 3 minutes, Theres maybe a minute of downtime between battles worst case, and I can get about 20-25 in an hour. 200 battles will take me maybe 10 hours, or 10k points an hour. 160k points is very doable in a single rumble (16 hours playtime and 8 hours sleep), I'm thinking the most I could put up with amazing luck is 250k if I pull an all nighter.

    If they're sharing accounts which they almost certainly do, then that is very feasible. Even if they aren't its certainly possible. Unlikely but possible.

    I'm not sure who they're facing, but if its one of their alt guilds (I'm pretty sure they have like 6-8 guilds in their fleet, if not more), they could be having 50 members in one or two guilds with ph9 bases setting them up in very easy to beat configurations, and breaking shield whenever they get attacked, so that every member could always be getting fast, easy rival wins, just for the purpose of setting a high score. This is something I could definitely see them attempting, given the similar tactics they've used to set pr leaderboard positions in the past.
    Bou Regreg, # Johnny Doe # and Fil like this.
  8. JT07

    JT07 Crew

    I'm very interested to know what is the mix of 8 gem army that you used to take down a ph9 in about 2 minutes and whether is it a fully max ph9 or a half baked ph9 defense that you mentioned.
    850arrr and John56 like this.
  9. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    Congrats to Elite of the World on a great victory. Amazing scores by both teams. I agree, I doubt any team will ever top those scores.

    @queen oyster For individuals to put up the scores of those top 5 is very impressive, think you are correct in your statement very few guilds as a whole could beat the combined scores of those 5 accounts.

    I am curious about one thing, is Elite of the World a single guild, or is it a part of the huge multi-guild alliance that has dominated so many aspects of the game since the early days?
  10. LYM

    LYM Captain

    suspect these score are!!!
    Tex likes this.
  11. John56

    John56 First Mate

    3 minutes, not 3 seconds, but it is still quite a task, with dropping rank, searching out opponents, etc. Plus averaging 490 PP per raid. I guess it is possible, given Skye's description above; however, I know for a fact there is no way my wife would let me play nonstop for 24 hours straight...
    awbo likes this.
  12. queen oyster

    queen oyster Powder Monkey

    I am not sure about the details, I just read through the stats.

    ' The Elite of The World' does have many sub clans.

    The 'china.element' does not have any sub clan, that's why I mentioned, they are more impressive as a clan.
  13. Spongee

    Spongee Commodore

    @queen oyster Wish I knew that before I voted. Far more impressive when a guild does battle with their regular crew than stacking full of players from several other guilds for a one time competition. Thought that may have been the case when I saw so many empty spots in Elite of the World after the rumble ended, but China.element was still full.
    Gusto C.Cheng likes this.
  14. LYM

    LYM Captain

  15. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Well done, i already was wondering why this hasn t happend sooner. I easily can get 50k a rumble and with some more effort and gems 100k is no big deal....the hardest is to find a crew of 60 folks that are willing to do as well and being lucky to get matched against a guild with the same maniacs.
  16. LYM

    LYM Captain

    im thinking two guilds with there members accounts be wipped if found to be using botts or any other cheating metric
  17. queen oyster

    queen oyster Powder Monkey

    no cheat, we were all monitored during the whole rumble.
  18. LYM

    LYM Captain

    i would like to think its genuine however im pretty sure the numbers dont stack up. i woild understand it on one or two members racking up a high score but not two whole guilds going off the scales. lets see what the powers above have to say and then if genuine its something to shout about
  19. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I use 5 brutes 6 juggs 32 gunners. I only attack very weak ph9s in the 100-200 range, and forfeit about once every other battle to keep my rank from climbing. If you're quick in identifying which bases you can easily beat, you can pretty quickly find a ph9 that you know you'll be able to 3* most of the time. The exact range that the easy win bases are at fluctuates a bit as people forfeit to them to drop rank, but if your only goal is easy quick 3* wins, and you don't need to worry about loot or anything, you can find them pretty fast. You certainly don't need an expensive army or a lot of gems to put up a lot of points, you just have to be really good at battle efficiency and gaming the system to maximize both points per minute and points per gem.
    850arrr likes this.
  20. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    They were definitely being monitored to make sure none were using any cheats. As for sharing accounts, that may be a different story.

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