• Gem Rush! •

Discussion in 'Rumbles' started by thelastfallen, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. thelastfallen

    thelastfallen Powder Monkey

    I might get a lot of heat for a point of view and somehow I do believe this is an issue that is worth to be discussed. During rumbles it is well known that many guilds exploit gems to the edge, everyone wants to win and rush to victory whatever it takes. I somehow disagree about gem usage throughout rumbles, It is indeed a very useful tool however without control, it can give a less competitive team an important advantage over those who truly deliver a straight clean fight.

    This ain't a request but a simple point of view, I know business will always be business and we gamers we'll always be in between. Nice day everyone![​IMG]
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2015
    SaK likes this.
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Unfortunately a necessary evil.. Gems bring in money needed to progress/enhance the game. If the game doesn't progress, members leave and so does the income. Just the way it is. I buy enough gems to support the system, but won't waste them to win a rumble (knowing that regardless of the outcome, another rumble will be started and the pressure is on again)
  3. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    How do you know how many gems are enough to support the system?
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Just based on my current level of enjoyment, available cash, etc and understanding that nothing comes free..
    Happy to use the occasional gem here and there to support the growth and development of the game. Nothing too extravagant, but then everyone has their own budget and expectations. Some people smoke and gamble and I see that as a waste... But whatever makes people happy..
  5. LYM

    LYM Captain

    paid players make this game possible
    Becker Redbeard and Ian like this.
  6. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    @Ian, I read a lot of people on the forum with some general rhetoric that says supporting midoki is how they rationalize spending. I think that it is a good question to ask, "How do you know, how many gems are needed to support the game?" Is @Chris [Midoki] and @Lynsey [Midoki] eating lettuce grown from the tears of a panda, and living in extravagant excess? or are they living in cardboard boxes, holding up a sign that says "will mod your webforum for food"?

    (I'm incorrectly assuming that Chris and Lynsey own the company, but hey we can't all be factually perfect)
  7. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Your right @WinstonCOV I don't know.. But unlike a some of the members here, I still enjoy the game enough and so happy to contribute my small part; I am not so naïve to think that Midoki or any other game developer is doing this out of the goodness of there heart or for self-satisfaction, its a business, nothing more or less... and business's cost money to run.

    How will I know when enough is enough?
    1. When Midoki closes up shop and/or there are there are no more upgrades etc. I will know that there was not enough profit to sustain the game.
    2. When I feel I am no longer getting enough enjoyment from the game I will leave
    Until then I will continue to support both Midoki and the members in my guild and as I tell them, "Just do what is right for you.. nothing more or less.."
    peg-brain bob, Darth Yoda and bucket like this.
  8. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Hey... if u guyz think gem rushes for rumbles r no good then just buy outfits...
    Fil and WinstonCOV like this.

  9. As i saw lots of players who gem in the rumbles are mainly occupied by work or other matters and due to their commitment to guild they normally gem the most BP they can to contribute so their absence won't stop others hard work to waste.

    AND some just Gem to win a rumble simply because of their competitive nature or just want a short moment of glory.

    I'm not gonna go to any length to discuss anything about the "Right Amount" of purchasing the gems since it's relative to every players need and it doesn't have anything to do with Midoki's need, Look at it this way, They created a game which meets every need you may have for free but if you want to take that extra step and want to get more you got to pay more whether it's gemming in the rumbles or chests or outfits or upgrades and...

    P.S. i find mini's more insulting, they waste other guilds effort without paying anything or even fighting in the same battleground, so as far as i'm concerned i'll take gemmers over mini's anyday
    peg-brain bob and awbo like this.
  10. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    Crabby and Hail to the Chef are so funny that I bought them. Ixchel for Annabelle is pretty cool too ... the only one where she has feet instead of a sloppy dress. Annabelle is my favorite, so I bought that too. I still manage to do well in rumbles without gemming troops. Weekdays I normally put up 150 bp, weekends 250+.

    It's a bad economy to spend more than 30-35 gems to get a chance at 30-35 gems. It's the same for chests. I openned a captains chest for 150 gems and got 10 gems from one ? mark. Spending 150 gems to get 10 gems is not a sustainable system.

    On another note, if there are some 2 million players in PP, and 20% of those players buy $5 worth of gems, then $2M dollars revenue is generated.

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