[1.5.0] Juggernauts Pathing Makes No Sense - Criss Crossing Paths

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by c00ni, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Thankfully I noticed this in a defence, not in an attack of my own.
    Check out this replay. Juggernauts are deployed either side of the ship and they decide they will go around the back and take a swim... from both sides. There are no obstructions, just walls on either side of the ship which can be walked between and a Flame Gate on the dock side of the ship. I see absolutely no reason why the deployed Juggernauts didn't just go up their own end of the ship.
  2. one time

    one time Powder Monkey

    The Juggs were just having a competition amongst themselves to see who was the toughest :D
  3. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Ah, I see you've discovered the Juggernaut's hidden 'synchronised swimming' ability!
    The Fish Eyed Pirate and Kelani like this.
  4. Strike

    Strike Crew

    Seen other strange patterns also....gunners(and also bombers and new chinese girl) suddenly turns around and runs away from the base a short while and the again change their mind and start attacking again. Maybe with should have some sort of training ground for cowardess gunners ha ha ha ha
  5. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Is this during live attacks, or just during replays (which we're still improving, they can still occasionally be a wee bit inaccurate!)?

    Ching Shih (and any of her commanded troops) should always make a beeline for the nearest defence (cannons, gun towers, etc).
  6. Daddy P

    Daddy P Captain

    They were just playing Red Rover. More Midoki humor. :)
  7. Strike

    Strike Crew

    During live attacks and Chingie was heading for C not at any weapons he he he
  8. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] This instance was a replay as I was not the one attacking. However, I'm pretty sure this particular replay was quite accurate as the % destruction and gold / grog plundered by the end of it matched the battle log exactly.
  9. Fyre

    Fyre Powder Monkey

    I feel your pain C00ni and it's gotten worse after the update. The juggernauts stopped attacking the ship entirely. It's as if it's invisible to them. Something went wrong in the programming Midoki! Please fix this.

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