[1.5.3] Sprinting Juggernaut (not to a nearby mine)

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by c00ni, Mar 9, 2015.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Noticed this on one of my defences.

    I fast forward to the relevant part.
    After the Grog Distillery is destroyed, the Juggernaut starts sprinting as he would towards a Mine - but there is no Mine for a while (before he died).
    If the one within the walls was in range, then he should have jumped over the walls towards it but he didn't.

    Are these battle bug reports falling on deaf ears? Should I even bother posting more?
  2. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Nope, definitely not falling on deaf ears - they're being forwarded on to The AI Guy to check out!
  3. lady blackbeard

    lady blackbeard Captain

    He has all my sympathy. Hope he has help.
  4. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    @Lynsey [Midoki] Here is a much better replay showing this major pathing bug.
    I've trimmed the beginning of the replay where Gunners are tidying up the peripheral buildings.

    After taking out the Grog Distillery, the Juggernauts are in range to diffuse the Mine and Mystic Mine between the Cannon and Bunker within the walls.
    Instead of:
    a) jumping the wall or
    b) going around boat-side (troops can freely walk between the bow/stern of the Ship and Walls),
    the Juggernauts decide to go on a marathon all the way around the base to the entrance at the other side.

    Also of note is the ridiculous pathing of the Gunners. After taking out the Cannon and Outhouse, I'm not sure what their next target is, but they also run all the way to the other end of the base, ignoring the Guild Hall along the way before getting picked off.
  5. Fyre

    Fyre Powder Monkey

    I have several replays like that. I wish I can record and post it like you. It so frustrating!!!!
  6. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    This also highlights another problem with Juggs.. When one of them is working on a mine, the others need to find something else to do.

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