[1.9.1 - 1.9.3] Shark Trap / PH9 Re-Arm Inconsistencies

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by c00ni, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    This has bugged me since the 1.9.1 release.

    In Plunder Pirates, there are no projectile weapons that require re-arming. I don't understand why PH9's cannons need re-arming.

    The Shark Trap on the other hand behaves a lot more like Mines / Mystic Mines / Flame Gates. If anything the Shark Trap should have a re-arm cost. But then again it never seems to clamp shut before being destroyed so one has to ask,
    "If a Shark Trap shuts but there is no one around to see it shut, did it ever shut at all?"
  2. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I see shark traps close a lot. It doesn't have to be rearmed, which surprised me at first. But when I'm raiding with thieves, if I can't easily snipe it with a gunner, I send five thieves in as my first wave to trip the trap on them, then send the rest in another batch or two since its out of play.

    I do think that shark trap should behavior should be more clarified, it should probably have to be rearmed (the loot chest inside needing to be re-filled!), and that PH shouldn't need a rearming, or it should be made more clear to players that it does.

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