[1.9.1] (Almost) Simultaneous Donations To Guild Ship Wastes Pirates

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by c00ni, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Here's one I've suspected since the Guild Ship was introduced but never confirmed until now.

    I'm currently playing two islands and I'm feeding max'ed out Thieves to my second island. I posted a Guild Ship request and proceeded to fill it almost immediately with Thieves from my main island. Someone else in my guild announces right after that they've filled my Guild Ship.

    I ended up with 3 Gunners and 1 Thief in the Guild Ship but my main island's Tavern was missing all 4 Thieves.

    From what I can see of the mechanics, server verification is already done to an extent as the number of free slots takes time to update but pirates leave your Tavern immediately as you tap them.
    In addition to this, we've seen verification occur but be weirdly broken when we've had server splits - donation requests appearing not filled but being impossible to donate to (because in reality it had already been filled).

    A couple of Thieves? No worries. If I was feeding Witch Doctors I'd be annoyed.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2015
  2. yeti

    yeti Captain

    This has been happening since GS was introduced, unfortunately. If 2 people donate at the same time, it will take (for example) 8 pirates from each donors tavern but unfortunately not give all 16 to the recipient :p
  3. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Such fun....oh the problems of overactive donating pirates :)
  4. +1
    We have also noticed this problem in our guild.
  5. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    Please please fix this. I know for 100% certainty this happens to ppl in my guild every single day... Does anyone know If both ppl receive donation credit in the profile for their good efforts or does only the Pirates that were actually donated get coUnted?
  6. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    So many +1's! You guys should post bug reports too instead of leaving them all to me!
  7. yeti

    yeti Captain

    In the context of bugs I'd like to see them working on, this doesn't even make the list :confused:

    The HG range on the other hand...
  8. Booty isle

    Booty isle Captain

    This has been said many times already. Thank you for reiterating a very important bug that has been an issue for way too long.........
  9. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Indeed, this one sucks. Along with not being able to see what has already been donated to a request or who has donated what.
    850arrr likes this.

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