1 Million Loot Raid!!!!

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Game Rapage, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Game Rapage

    Game Rapage Powder Monkey

    You guys seen any 1000000 raids
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2014
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Not counting the one exploration base. I've had raids with a potential million plus total loot. But I have never been able to plunder it.
  3. Shark Bait

    Shark Bait First Mate

    I've seen them. The most I have been able to walk away with is 900k.
  4. Game Rapage

    Game Rapage Powder Monkey

    Just finished a Video on 1 Million Loot Raid
  5. Redtsai

    Redtsai Crew

    I've seen twice.
  6. Some of my guild have had 2 million loot raids, well actually one did :p
  7. Soma

    Soma Powder Monkey

    In my level it is impossible at this moment, but good to see where can my pirates evolve.
    I have just realize it was you @N3quinox , who had suffered this loss.
    I would not be in your shoes...
  8. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    I didn't give a fuck to be honest, because all I could do at this time, was to wait until PH 6 gets finished :/
    I couldn't upgrade anythign anymore/ couldn't spend that grog and gold in any way (point where the game allures you to get some gems to speed up PH, but I didn't).

    And that base-design was a test. That dude in the video is talkin' about that the cannons aren't workin' - that is actually the whole point of this wide level-design. Once my opponent dropps all his brutes they'll waste time at those vuildings outside because my cannons aren't attacking them. Not everyone is wise enough to send up a few "damagers" first to make the way clear.
    Now I see that I better should have sticked with my old base ;)

    Yesterday (at the point where my PH still wasn't finished) some more dudes could get a "1 Million Loot".
  9. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    If I'm accumulating and not able to build anything due to builders tied up in bigger builds, then I will sometimes pull out my PH into an exposed area, with a few diversions. Typically this manages to get me to a shield without too much loss. I was riding a 2.8M gold yesterday and only lost 150K before I got the shield :)
  10. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    I was scared that if I do this, my storages will get raided from this site even faster (by someone who only cares about the loot and avoids opponents PH like I do) :p
    But I could put in an another "shield-building" instead so yep, good idea. Sooner or later someone will go for the PH to get up his PR.
  11. roguecylon

    roguecylon Captain

    I thought the same @N3quinox as I avoid attacking PH as much as possible when raiding. But it's worked great several times now.
  12. Soma

    Soma Powder Monkey

    I have experienced the same at PH3 to PH4, and this is why I have started PH4 to PH5 at that time when I have still some facilities to upgrade.
    It is finshed now and somewhere my calculations went wrong, because I had to wait with builders... but only 3 hours, so it wasn't a big trouble.
    Of course, PH5 to PH6 requires more difficult calculations, which is maybe impossible. Unfortunately, I'm not at that level...
  13. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    omg that loot is insane:D Was surprised that he managed to find just you @N3quinox :D feel sry for you though.
  14. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Still an impressive design. And remember no swearing :)
  15. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    Ok I have heard that from 3 people now lol:D
  16. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    What have you heard?
  17. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    For some reason I thought Gagnrene was talking to me. I swear sometimes to and people tell me not to swear:)
  18. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    There are kids in here too. So we have to follow forum rules

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