[2.3.0] iOS update bugs & issues

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by Lynsey [Midoki], Dec 14, 2015.

  1. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Let's have 'em!


    * The Christmas Outfit buffs aren't being displayed upon winning the outfit from a chest - you can still see the buffs if you view the Outfit in the Collection, however.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
  2. Enuthral

    Enuthral First Mate

    May not be a bug... Building LP traps and no builder guy shows up to do the building
  3. Lnds500

    Lnds500 Powder Monkey

    I have won 4/5 matches on my current streak. Only 1 victory has been registered which is extremely lame. Is this a bug? Is it because I was interrupted by the maintenance?
  4. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

  5. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    @Lynsey [Midoki]

    This issue might affect other troops as well but since i mainly use greeb gunners for attacks (have done over 6k battles with them so far) this is how i noticed.

    For some reason my Gunners seem to die a way sooner than before the update. They are lv 33 so around 126 toughness + 100 toughness guild perk boost, so should be over 200 toughness in total, but i watched that they died after they got hitten by a Mortar only twice! So this seems that something is wrong and not calculated to the toughness. Just saw 1 gunner was eliminated with just 3 shots of a cannon (3 shots around 120+ damage). Can you please do a double check?

    Anyone else noticed?
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
  6. Capt. Sharky

    Capt. Sharky First Mate

    One of our guys shared a replay where his maxed HG was taken down within 2 secs by a single bunker. I would agree there seems to be some kind of glitch with troop toughness since update.

    On a separate issue:
    Trying to view 'Top Pirate' scores on the 'Rumble Finished' pop-over causes game to quit.

    iPhone 6 - IOS 9.1
    HornyQuokka likes this.
  7. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    @HornyQuokka more specifics! Did the first cannon hit result in no health bar appearing (because TG extra HP applies invisibly)? Is there a chance TG was in cooldown? Can you record a video?
  8. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    I checked Legendary Fort Defender as well, caus i know some provide up to 40%+ more damage to defenses, wasn t the case. Took Fort down first or no Defender active.

    Did some more research and attacked whith just 1 green gunner in range of 1 mortar or cannon, and i always come to the same solution, they die too fast. Either attack of some defenses are too high or toughness boost don t kick in for green gunners, or in general.

    Sorry, can t do any video but u can easily check urself. Just look for an island where u have a chance to place a single green gunner in only range of just 1 defense. Then u easily can tell how many hits it takes before it dies. If ur gunner has 226 toughness including guild perk(+100 toughness) it should clearly need more than 3 mortar or cannon hits before it dies. Maxed cannon damage is 45 , so it should take 5-6 hits before the gunner dies. but this is not the case, the gunner all died just after 3 cannon hits( 45 x 3) that provided 135 damage!

    @Lynsey [Midoki] @Beck [Midoki]

    And no, Training Ground wasn t in Cooldown or anything...was up and running fine since 4h.

    EDIT: Did researches with my other accounts as well. Its the same, the Training Ground toughness boost is not added.
    Other option, defenses provide too much damage, but this seems even more unlikely.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  9. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

  10. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    This is not an absolute. It's working here.
    I just did a few test battles and found no problems where a Mortar is the only thing attacking a Gunner. No health bar for the first hit, then second hit leaves gunner still well in the green, third hit getting close to killing and fourth finishing him off.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2015
  11. Scar Face

    Scar Face Crew

    Using a phone to play is difficult enough without the plunder points displayed top center. The information takes up a significant amount of space on the screen. Could you move this information to be with the potential PR change and potential BP points? Please?
    awbo likes this.
  12. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Maybe Horny was attacking an island with one of the Legendary Pirates that boosts the attack power of mortars when in defence?
  13. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    Thanks for the proof, that you re not even reading my posts. :rolleyes:

    I quote my post #8:

    "I checked Legendary Fort Defender as well, caus i know some provide up to 40%+ more damage to defenses, wasn t the case. Took Fort down first or no Defender active."

    Since i started to play this game i did close to 7k attacks just with my gunners and i do 100 attacks daily, but since i am obviously the only one experiencing this issue, don t bother.

    Sucks, that i can t do videos and upload here, since everyone seems to think that i am a moron( release 1 gunner with 126+100 toughness at the range of just 1 cannon, he get hit 3 times and dies, 3x45 = 135 damage, but gunner has 226 toughness).
    Seems all fine for everyone?! Bet most folks are even too ***** to notice this thing at all! o_O

    Maybe its time to look for a new game where i can spend my 200 bucks a month.
  14. John56

    John56 First Mate

  15. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    Apologies Horny, you're absolutely right that I should have read your post properly, I'm afraid I missed the first part! If you PM me your player ID we can take a closer look at your battle history to see if there's an issue with guild perks being applied incorrectly. I don't think that anybody is calling you a moron, just saying that the issue isn't 100% an issue for everyone (or in my case, me being a moron and not reading your post thoroughly!).
    John56 likes this.
  16. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Not me mate, I wholeheartedly believe you but am unable to reproduce that's all.
    Even bothered to record a bunch of attacks (which ended up going as planned so I didn't post them).
  17. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

  18. Capt. Sharky

    Capt. Sharky First Mate

    Trying to view 'Top Pirate' scores on the 'Rumble Finished' pop-over causes game to quit.

    iPhone 6 - IOS 9.2
  19. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

  20. Danny Liu

    Danny Liu First Mate

    LOL I like how MIDOKI doesn't addressed the Ad freezes as a bug.
    It seems that the first ad you watch give the reward ~99% of the time. But upon exiting the game and opening it again the second ad NEVER works. This just boggles my minds as to why it happens, if you aren't gonna bother to fix it then why include it????
    850arrr likes this.

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