Hi! In my guild, a player on iOS has a big problem... He is PH10 and since the last update (2.5) he earns 299 Plunder Points if he won with 3 stars against a PH10 island... Before the update, he earned about 500 Plunder Points! I am on Android and I am PH9, I did not notice any issue: I still get 475 Plunder Points against a PH8 (more or less, it depends of my score). Did anyone notice a similare issue?! Thank you in advance.
Is his PR the same as it was before hand? Being at a lower PR will reduce your points. I made a spreadsheet with the amount of points you get at each PR (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ZpEAxZ0SiLS3pR-H3iu9K4JI94/edit#gid=631124970) None however are 299, although one is 399 and maybe it was a typo? Note that the boundary changes for example at 401 not at 400, so if you're exactly 400, you get the 301-400 bracket. This may seem confusing, but think of it this way- there is no PR0, so its pr1-100, 101-200, 201-300, etc. Has he linked it to more than two devices since then? Its also possible he was getting 598 before the update, and has linked it to a third device, which halves his points and would give him 299. Thats another likely scenario - you can only have the game played recently on up to two devices in the last couple days. If he already plays it on 2 and has bought a new phone or ipad, his points will have gone down due to the third device being linked to it - they will return to normal in a couple days if he stopped using one of the old devices. There has been a change for a while now that starts reducing points as soon as you get more than 2 devices (if you only have an iphone and ipad you'll be fine, but once you go beyond that, the points get halved or worse), as some members in a couple notable guilds were using many players to share the same account so it could play 24/7 and put up unfair scores. If its neither of these cases, and he has only connected to the game on a maximum of 2 devices in the recent past, I suggest he emails support@rovio.com to make sure no one else has access to his account.
Hi Skye, Thank you for your response! I asked him, and he told me he had only 2 devices linked to his account. But everything is fine now, we made a rumble and the points/battle was OK. Thank you!