Add Weapons like Pirates to a Crew

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Sneaky Pete, May 29, 2015.

  1. I have some ideas that could add a new dimension of change in offense and defense. But it requires a lot of code variations.
    1. Take the available defensive base weapons and apply a value to each in accordance to its defensive skill. Total that number, let's say it adds to 400 points, now make that the base line value for defensive weapons.
    2. Add more or increase the number of now available weapons all with that same value system, allow the player to combine add or delete so long as not more than the base value.

    Simply put, do with defense weapons as you are currently doing with pirates in a crew. 

 That will reduce copying bases and create many more varieties of base designs

    On the offensive side, add the mighty pirates you've talked about with the same options you already have in place.
    Skull King likes this.
  2. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    I like the idea but so that you don't get impossible layout some weapons should have a limit. The tavern pirates have a "Tavern Slots" value and I know you are suggesting the same things for weapons but some pirates also have a "Tavern Limit" value and I would suggest the same idea for higher rated weapons. Maybe you could have as many canons or gun towers as you want but a limit for ground pounders or motor.

    Your idea also changes the system similar to the tavern and so may require a new building like a Arsenal. So instead of going to the market to buy and upgrade weapons (where PH upgrades allow more of one weapon) you would have an Arsenal and you would upgrade this Arsenal similar to the Academy or Tavern
  3. I'm in agreement with most of what you have written. I don't think any added moduals would be needed, just return to the Market/ Defenses and adjust the amount of each weapon you desire. A weapon would need to be deleted from your existing defenses to create a point deficit, then select replacement weapons.
  4. DamianWars

    DamianWars First Mate

    the problem with using the market is that each weapon has a price tag on and are conditional to your PH level for either the entire weapon to be available or the amount of the weapon. This system is not set up for an "à la carte" style you are suggesting. Right now you purchase a weapon that is available and immediately place it on the island. To upgrade the weapon you must select the already purchased weapon and upgrade it, this upgrade is conditional also to your PH level.

    This is not compatible with an "à la carte" system because what happens when you want to change the weapons on the island, let's says have only cannons. This would mean removing your purchased weapons and potentially losing their upgrades, not to mention the cost that each weapon had with it and then repurchasing several canons at an entry level. That's just not worth it too me.

    To introduce this "à la carte" system I think you would need to remove the weapons completely from the market and have it controlled through a separate module like a weapon arsenal building. The weapons arsenal building would be responsible for all upgrades and quantities of each weapon. Once a weapon is upgraded each existing or new weapon of the same type inherits the upgrades instantly just like how pirates are upgraded in the academy. There would be a separate "research" item for each weapon as well to increase the quantity. Each weapon has a point system as you suggested based on its value and also a max amount. Placing the weapon would be free or little costs as the bulk of the costs are absorbed in the upgraded processes in the moduals

    So for example canons start at level 1 and lets say 1 canon. To have 2 canons you must upgrade the canon's amount which would take time. To increase the level of canon you must upgrade the canon's ability which also takes time. If you have upgraded to level 10 canon and 5 canons you can freely remove and place up to 5 level 10 canons on the island without extra cost provided you are under the max "point" value for defence.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2015
    Sneaky Pete likes this.
  5. I think the easiest way to view and relate to this suggestion is as you say have a module or an Option switch that opens a window just like Recruiting Pirates, only it would be recruiting Weapons. It would show your current base selections and you could drop one item to add others......just like Pirates. Thanks for the intuitive insite you bring to the suggestion.
    Sneaky Pete

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