Adding time during attack?

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by TBird, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. TBird

    TBird Captain

    New to this game, so if this already happens and I have not seen it, forgive me.
    I would like to see a way to add time during attacks, perhaps adding 3 seconds for every gold mine and grog distillery destroyed? And that would force people to find ways to defend those buildings. Friendly Fire does this by adding 3 seconds for every building destroyed. Think just the gold and grog would be good in PP.
  2. But then it would be easy to 3 star all battle's. Time pressure makes it more tactical.
  3. TBird

    TBird Captain

    Have you ever run out of time during an attack?
    3 seconds here, 3 seconds there is a big help.
    It adds strategy to your attacks; hold off a few troops to attack gold and grog if you need extra time.
    And it forces the other person to defend those buildings too instead of having all the defense around the pirate house. Make them spread out their defenses.
    The time pressure is still there... you don't lose that.
  4. I have enough time to time my troops in a tactical way. And yes sometimes the timer runs out and im like arghh 3 seconds more and I would have had a 3 star

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