AI issue for gunners

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by wss5112, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. I have since reset my sights in changed AI and have a fix for this for those that care, but you'll have to join one of the two Pegleg Fleet guilds to find out mwahahah! Or, you already know and should join anyway. Just saying lol.
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    C'mon @Glass Eater please share this juicy tidbit with all of us.
    I will provide you with payment in the form of a Like. :)
  3. Sorry Tex proprietary Pegleg info. I can say however I learned it from others over PR 800. Sometimes one must conform to a new standard design to figure out how to beat it.
    Skye likes this.
  4. Then back to something completely different. Players are viscous above 800, when I took on said design, about 5 people all in the same guild attacked me in about 20 minutes. So, the plot thickens for guild wars to come!
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    -1 lol
    Skye likes this.

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