Air Defense

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Lord Gin, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. Lord Gin

    Lord Gin Powder Monkey

    I'd like to see one air defense structure that only work against sky raiders.

    Limit to one building only.

    Level 1 - unlock at PH 6, 1 target
    Level 2 - unlock at PH 7, 1 target
    Level 3 - 2 targets
    Level 4 - 3 targets

    What do you think?
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    A building or a trap? I kinda like the idea of a trap better.

    After a few defenses you know where they are most likely to attack from.
    Air splash damage could take out a clump rather than one or two.

    So my trap idea? Balloons tied to exploding bottles of grog :)
  3. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    That's very creative. +1
    Salty Snack and Gangrene Beard like this.
  4. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    88's firing flak is all I'd need.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  5. TBird

    TBird Captain

    I just build wide beaches from where they can fly in from and have taller buildings on that side of the island.
    Nothing more fun then watching the replay of them crashing into flag pole and light house... And getting killed as soon as they hit the beach.
  6. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

  7. Lord Gin

    Lord Gin Powder Monkey

    Trap sounds interesting too. Well.. Trap or building, i hope to see something against the flying bugs ;) of course something not too strong and imbalance, causing SR to be useless... Wouldnt want that to happen too.
  8. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Interesting, perhaps have a gunner or heavy gunner located on top of a building using the same idea as you suggest.
  9. Sky raiders? Whats that? I never see them used in 500+ battles. I personally don't feel the need to build a structure just to pick out those little fellows when they only fly for a very short amount of time.
  10. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    True i never use them. But if they were to be shot out of the sky i may (joke)
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  11. Luqman

    Luqman Crew

    True,but what if Midoki added some more new pirates that flies through the air?
    Could be useful,SR does have tavern limit,so.. not so helpful right now.
    Except it's a falling exploding grog!
  12. When and if, they may I would definitely consider having it. But for now I find it overkill.

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