Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Captain Hakjka, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Captain Hakjka

    Captain Hakjka First Mate

    Hi all

    How about a bonus, if you select one of each crew.

    Following on from the training ground where extra toughness is given: i.e lvl 2 training ground.
    How it works:
    You have to have at least one of each crew, Theif, buc, gunner, etc etc etc when you go into battle.
    Because you trained one of each crew you get a bonus attribute, this could be global, like extra damage or specific to each crew:
    Bucs extra toughness
    Gunners extra range
    Theif extra speed
    Etc etc etc
  2. Could work, but could be horrible. Gunners giving the whole army extra range, eh? Long range juggs? No thanks.

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