An leveling system throughout the game...

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Super evil mega corp., Aug 17, 2015.

  1. It would be great if there would be an leveling system as in clash of clans and boom beach... For those who have never played that games it means that each upgrade (troops and building upgrades) gives you certain amount of experience points (EP) which will help u to go to the next level...
    For example 1- You have just started playing this game (level 1)... Building an grog collector will give you 30 experience points (EP)... You may require 100 points to reach level 2... Upgrading grog collector to level 2 will give you 50 experience points (you have 80 EP)...Now upgrading your grog collector to level 3 will give you 80EP... So in total you have 160EP and you are now level 2... If Midoki is kind enough they may give certain amount of resources and/or Gems at each level (I will highly recommend this)...

    For example 2- You are at level 85 and you will require 3900EP to make it to level 86... Consider that upgrading gunner to level 27 will give you 650EP (You have upgraded it and now you have 650 EP)... Upgrading 2 gold mines and 1 grog distillery will give you 3250EP... So now in total you have 3900EP and you are level 86 (and you get 10 gems and 5 lakh gold and grog)...

    The benefits of leveling system
    1- I am goddamn sure that this will drastically improve the match making...
    2- It would be easier to tell your friends your level (its better to say the level than your pirate hall level)...
    3- It would overall improve the game quality and make it much more interesting...
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
    Skye, Ian, Bear and 2 others like this.
  2. Edward Kenway likes this.
  3. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    I think it sounds like a fun idea, I like lvls and progression and general xD And perhaps each 10 lvls we could get a new decoration as a price as well?
    Super evil mega corp. likes this.
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    I've wanted this for a while
    Super evil mega corp. likes this.
  5. It's new to me since I never played clash or boom. I don't have anything against it so yeah why not give it a try. +1 from this Fish.
    Super evil mega corp. likes this.
  6. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Like @The Fish Eyed Pirate I have never played those games.. But any aware that there is a need to level the current PR system and matching systems.

    +1 on anything that will bring a better process to matching attacks.
    Super evil mega corp. likes this.
  7. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    This would be amazing if done right.

    My one concern is retroactively giving us a ton of levels with rewards all at once would make our stores explode, so if this is pushed, let us confirm the rewards for each level one at a time. If level ups happen at just the right pacing, it will also help act as an additional skinner box to hook in new players, which means more revenue!

    It would certainly help matchmaking, and also help with guilds I believe. You could join a guild with similar average level, and a guild could put a level requirement instead of a PR requirement. Right now, dropping your pr requirement gets you lots of low lv applicants, and I know it would make things easier on captains that currently have to keep toggling the requirement up and down to let people in.

    I very much like this idea. It would have to be well thought out or it could really destroy the experience, but I'm sure they can do it right. Maybe when we get PH10 :)
    Super evil mega corp. likes this.
  8. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    It really isn't necessary. Clash's system is also affected by donating troops, so their system is flawed. Also, if you just upgraded your PH, just say you are a max defenses and the lower PH level.
    yeti likes this.
  9. Ultimate Sea Dog

    Ultimate Sea Dog First Mate

    Sorry to hook this up, but I haven't checked improvements for a while.

    My hypothesis:
    If we are PH6/7/8/9 then our Exp level would be really high-so high that all the rewards would be able to fund the next PH:)
    So, my suggestion is to put gems-well, that would increase gameplay and increase gem purchases. It seems counterintuitive, but think about it: if someone is going to get to L100 Exp, and to do so he needs to upgrade his PH to L10 (just an example), he might spend 100 gems to get the 300-gem reward. That means a 100-gem spending which means $$$ for Midoki. And this means that everyone is benefitted!
    Super evil mega corp. and Skye like this.
  10. I think that u hav suggested an gr8 idea... It will be awesome if troops donation also helps in increasing level... Just give 1-2 EP (Experience Points) per troop donation... It may just be incentive to increase the troop donation (and also an reward for donating troops)... Can u please explain ur second statement in detail...
  11. I think midoki could also add battle points, exploration points and materials as reward... It would be awesome if they allow us to choose what reward we want...
    For example - We hav reached level 120... They could allow us to choose from 25,000BP or 75000 EP (Exploration Points) or 750 Gems or 100 gunpowder (used by Romeo bomber) and so on *rewards could be a bit less:):):)*... THIS THING COULD SOLVE BATTLE POINT SCARCITY... And we should be able to get this reward whenever we want...
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
  12. yeti

    yeti Captain

    Actually, no, @Burnz is right. Giving XP for troop donations has made player levels an absolute farce in CoC. Plenty of low upgrade players go and join a 'request and GTFO' clan with the express purpose of donating shiploads of cheap troops and inflating their XP ridiculously. You can have a fully upgraded TH10 player on half the XP of a TH6 player. On that basis I see XP as similar to forum labels...good for some ego boosting or bragging rights, artificially gained, and ultimately meaningless :p
  13. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I don't think giving xp for donations should be allowed for precisely that reason. XP for building things is great, since it gives you a deterministic way to compare player upgrade levels. Letting you undermine that with a farmable system would completely eliminate one of the main advantages of having the system to begin with.
    yeti likes this.
  14. I guess u both r right... But there should be some kind of benefits for donating troops... In my guild I have donated maximum troops i.e more than 8500 troops and the 2nd one has donated 3500 troops... That's more than half!!! I think it would be awesome if u guys suggest some kind of benefit aka incentive for donating troops
  15. Bou Regreg

    Bou Regreg First Mate

    Cooperation and team work is the benefit. If you have non-cooperating non-teamwork donation leaches that is the guilds fault for letting them in and letting them stay. Talk to them, get them involved with the team or boot them.
    Skye likes this.
  16. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Donating troops means you're more likely to win whatever rumble you're in, because they're more likely to win their attack, which means you're more likely to win that 1.5m gold/grog prize (and rank higher on the rumble leaderboard).
  17. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Unfortunately @Skye some members for whatever reason, get more enjoyment out of causing havoc within the guild (either directly or indirectly) then from any benefit from winning.
  18. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Those players should be kicked
    Giving players xp to donate troops would make this problem worse, because now it incentivizes spamming people with buccs for quick xp, and it means lower level players either can't get exp (unfair to them) or lower level players will cram untrained troops into requests (unfair to experienced players that only want max troops). So now either people are getting lower lv troops or lower lv players get further behind because they aren't able to donate.

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