Aquarium/pond idea

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by acersharp1, Jan 24, 2016.

  1. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    why can't we take a 1 star fish and either kill it or maybbbeeee grow it in the aquarium for something bigger :). It can be a guild perk or island perk or both! It can be a building or resource or whatever you find suitable. This probably wouldn't be too hard to do as it would basically be adding a timer on it like any other upgrade/resource.

    It could also create gem spending if you had to purchase better quality fish with gems :(

    Just an idea of something else to do in the game full of farming :).
  2. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    +1 for the ability to have pets and dangerous beasts about our island. If a school of Sharks were cruising near my island; it would be so fun to go into editor mode and watch my pirate villagers swim for their lives or get eaten by sea monsters! :D
  3. Skillzone10

    Skillzone10 Captain

    @Tex, that is just SO evil....
    +1 by the way. Maybe make the troops take damage if they run into one of the Sharks while swimming to the island, or something like that.
  4. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    1+ I can just imagine a Buccaneer rowing in his boat trying to get away from a shark!:D
  5. acersharp1

    acersharp1 First Mate

    Gaining steam!!! So many ways you could take an aquarium idea. Monsters, farming, or get @Tex to come up w more evil ideas haha

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