Auction house idea and more.

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Tottok, Jan 13, 2016.

  1. Tottok

    Tottok Crew

    I'm really sad I don't eork for Midoki, I like Plunder Pirates and I have some improvements ideas that I really think it's gonna work.

    We are curently at PH level 10, pretty high isn't it? Well what it will cost the new PH lvl 11? only gold?

    I'm thinking about iron, copper, diamons, jewels,, oil... you not only have mines for gold,, you also have mines for those stuff.. So what about next generation of building require more stuff like 2.000 iron and 4.000 diamonds?

    Too much to gather? Well here where it comes the auction house, where each player can trade iron for grog or copper for platinum and so on.

    And to make this auction house as important as PH, each player can only have 2 'special mine' specialization,, so you can chose to mine iron and copper or diamons and oil or oil and iron and if you only have an iron mine and a oil mine and you need diamonds,, you can trade iron and oil for diamonds with a player who have for example an diamond mine and a copper mine.


    The game is growing,, the islands is getting crowded,, there cand be an enlargement of the island but what if we think out of the box? Think fantansy, steam punk, fictional.

    What about a sky building space with floating island like in avatar and an underground building place underneeth our island?

    " But how we can attack a floating island and an underground one and a normal one when we raid?"

    Look at Angry Birds 2 mechanics, 1 figh,, three stages.. first you atack the island,, then the undergroud one, the you take the zepelin and destroy the hardest one,, the upper island.

    3 islands. 1 base. 1 fight. 3 stages. 5 stars.

    3 stars as it is now, + one more for the under island and 1 more star for the upper island.

    well this is more fictional than the game can be and a bit unrealistic.. but the underground base with the integration of the new mines are really possible.

    Imagine you need iron but you have nothing to trade,, you can always attack a base without knowing what special mines they have because are underground and you can't preview them, so you attack that base and when you get to the underground mines you find out that you can plunder 5.000 iron and 10.000 copper.

    Those are just ideas,, you guys can twist them howerver you think is better.
  2. Cap'nSmellyBeard

    Cap'nSmellyBeard First Mate

    I like the auction house and a new sort of recource ideas! The flying base could be possible but then midoki would need to make probably more time on a fight.
  3. nomadicarus

    nomadicarus Powder Monkey

    it's a very lovely game that you can play for free; but, .... a whole lot of development, blood and sweat has made it and they'd kinda like to be rewarded for that. That's where the Gem / Chest purchase system comes in to play.

    An auction house where players trade their resources would dilute most/any demand for purchasable items from Midoki/Rovio.

    I don't work for Midoki, I wouldn't mind doing so; I do like the auction house idea but it's not a realistic expectation imho.
    Morganza likes this.

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