Auto-hire during streaks results in lower troop supply during streak

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by WinstonCOV, Nov 11, 2015.

  1. WinstonCOV

    WinstonCOV First Mate

    I am having an issue with the auto rehire during streaks. After some point during a streak, I have fewer troops available - typically gunners - than I should have. For instance, I am 25/36 streak/victories. I currently have 17 gunners available. I know I started my streak with over 20 gunners. I typically keep 21+ no matter what.

    I've had some losses. Is losing troops part of the downside of not getting a 1 star win?

    I've also had this issue with Skyraiders. When I use them, I ALWAYS recruit the max 8. I went for some time on a streak to 50 with only 5 sky raiders.

    Is this a bug or something about streaks that you haven't made apparent?
  2. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    If you disconnect after deploying troops without rehiring them, they won't get rehired the next time you do rehire.
  3. rhorun

    rhorun Crew

    If it is a feature then it's an annoying one esp when you get booted from the game right at the end of the fight you log back on to be asked if you wish to continue with the streak but have no way to hire troops

    This very thing has just happened 3 star all troops used wham booted end of streak
    Skye likes this.

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