Auto-Scroll Training Screens to Next Available

Discussion in 'General Improvements' started by Super-Nor, Mar 10, 2016.

  1. Super-Nor

    Super-Nor Captain

    It would be nice if one did not need to scroll all the way to the right to start a new training. It is a lot of scrolling these days.
    Rabbitnes, 850arrr and Skye like this.
  2. awbo

    awbo Captain

    Likewise, what about a menu in the fort with all the LPs? Like a little front page with all their heads and you can tap to go straight to that cell. I hate scrolling all the way along when the LP I want is in the last cell. It could even have a little symbol to indicate if an LP is exhausted, rested or training.
  3. Kamikazemug

    Kamikazemug First Mate

    I like both suggestions that have been made.

    - make the cells switchable so you can rearrange them
    - make a frond page with all of them.

    The first is probably not the hard to make in the game
    That second would alter the look and feel of the cells a bit more, which might not be desirable.

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