Available loot percentage seems wrong?

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by Skye, Sep 2, 2015.

  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    I have about 4.5m grog, in max level stores, and I can be raided for about 1.1m (25%), however, when I have had the max 9.6m grog in my max level stores, I seem to only be able to be raided for about 1.2m (12.5%), instead of the 2m+ I'd expect to be able to be attacked for. So either, I'm getting raided for twice as much as I should at lower loot amounts, or I'm getting raided for half as much as I should at higher loot amounts.

    I thought it was supposed to be a set percentage of how much you have available?

    Is this intentional, is there a ~1m cap on how much can be looted from stores, or is something really wrong?
  2. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    Hi @Skye, if I recall the formula went along the following lines:
    25% of your Stores
    50% of your collectors, or
    20% of your Max total capacity

    Therefore if someone takes out just the collectors or the stores, there is a different percentage if they take everything
  3. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    Collectors can be looted for 25% for both ph7/8 and ph9 level collectors.

    But shouldn't the available amount be 25% of whats in stores + 25% of whats in collectors then? Are you saying it caps at 20% capacity?

    Because I can't see why someone shouldn't be able to loot 25% of 9.6m if they can loot 25% of 4.5m. Even if it did cap at 20% of the 9.6m, it would be significantly higher than what I've seen available as loot in the past when I've had completely filled stores. I've never seen 2m loot available to someone attacking me.
  4. Ian

    Ian Commodore

    From past threads, I believe there is a cap...

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