Below 200 is pretty good...

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Master Pogi, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    ...if you want to build your island up to level 6. That is the strategy im doing right now and its effective..☺️ Nothing to worry about big guys plundering you. You can always defend your island from revenge and attackers. One thing I learned was, crowns are deceitful..☺️
    Peril likes this.
  2. Peril

    Peril Powder Monkey

    Yeah! Thats true. Ive been in 300+ rank and it feels like I am a living sacrifice in a fish tank full of piranhas. Ive been constantly bombarded with attacks and when i think about retailation i face the terror of their defenses. I can't plunder enough to cover the expenses of recruiting pirates.

    Its hard to stay on higher ranks. Hard to plunder even though they have vast resources, it is well guarded.
  3. thereaper33

    thereaper33 Powder Monkey

    Peril I have been having the same problem. It seems my name must constantly be appearing on the attack list as I have been attacked 12 times in the last 24 hours and for 11 hours of that I had a shield!!

    This has all been happening since I hit the 300 rank mark and as soon as I drop back below this its nowhere near as bad
  4. Peril

    Peril Powder Monkey

    We've got a free shield without paying gems. I think its a good compensation for losing a rank or resources . Plus, it can't be helped higher rank is the stage where bloodbath starts and going there is not the major problem but rather staying and protecting your place.

    It is a mistake if you haste in chasing ranks without a good defense or having the good impression of plundering greater.

    it is better to keep it slow and be keen on upgrading defenses if you truly wish to be on top.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2014
  5. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Those big guys in the upper level are really monsters..hahahaha!!! Another thing, Thereaper23, maybe the reason why you are always got attacked is because you are not that active in the game. Need to be online so you will not get attacked.:)
  6. thereaper33

    thereaper33 Powder Monkey

    Erm .... Thanks for that Pogi but I don't actually think I can possibly be more active!! In fact I was off line for approx. 10 mins yesterday and in that space of time I was attacked once and as I was trying to log in I was kindly informed that I was currently under attack and the countdown was shown.

    It's not that I mind as it's part of the game but I am just a little concerned with the frequency. It just means I have to go plundering more often :)
  7. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Hahaha!!! Yeah we need to plunder more often...:) Lol! Offline for 10minutes only...:)
  8. thereaper33

    thereaper33 Powder Monkey

    that was when I went for a shower lol!! I only slept when I had a nice free 12 hour shield!!
    Master Pogi likes this.
  9. Moonie

    Moonie Powder Monkey

    I tend to go do the pirate strongholds a handful of times before I sleep. Allows me to drop to 130ish instead of sitting at 250+, keeps resources safe from the big guys.
  10. I just upgraded to PH 6 and am around 300-350, indeed there are a lot more attacks. But my defenses are up and running so most attacks I win. (ofcourse I lose some resources but I gather resources faster then that I lose them)
  11. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    Hahaha!!! Good dedication..
  12. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain


    Bro, that was GREAT :D. I really needed a good laugh and that shower comment provided it.

    I'm losing all kinds of sleep playing this game.


    Do other players only see what is active inside your resource storage or do they also see the storage amount that is un-collected inside the mines and distilleries?

  13. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    I've wondered this too, I've yet to see any indicator for mines/distilleries that mimics the full/empty of storages. That being said, if it shows a rather high number for resources and the storages look empty, a smart attacker would start with the collectors.
  14. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    They cant see the amount of storages or mines...
  15. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Thanks Master Pogi!

    That's good to know information.

  16. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    you're welcome, TigerClaw.
  17. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    I'm following the low-PR-tactic also but it's kinda devious tbh.
    Imagine you'd be a newbie and such a guys like us are attacking u all over again while you are saving up money for higher PH. You'd lose the fun about this game pretty quickly, I guess.

    I think it would be a better idea to pair up people with the same PH-leve to fight against each other, should be fair.
  18. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    Yeah, I agree N3quinox.

    Perhaps this is a stimulus for Midoki to make a profit for a game that is free. If this is correct, I believe (very much) that they deserve it. I forked out 40 bones to increase my defenses as quickly as possible during the beginning. I consider this both a contribution to a GREAT game and to help save my own ass (LOL).

    Since this time I've been hammering other players to help fund my personal Island growth. ;) Upgrades don't come cheap and I've lost a tone of sleep collecting resources and spending it on upgrades to avoid losing any of it.

    I really don't think that Modoki will lose any sleep if a new player doesn't want to contribute.

  19. Master Pogi

    Master Pogi First Mate

    If you are not enjoying guys plundering lowbies, then don't do it..nobody is forcing you guys.☺️☺️ It is weird of you guys doing something you don't enjoy. I cant go against gem users for now. Don't take this game too seriously, just enjoy the game. Anyway, say whatever you like... Join my crew, Jolly Richie hahaha!!! All them are my First Mate...even inactive. We just enjoy this game.
  20. Liquix

    Liquix Crew

    Wut? Who said, that we aren't enjoying it? I'm the most heartless player/ opponent anyway :cool:
    I don't give a f.. if the big loot, that makes me happy (the most important thing about it :D), is comin' from a newb or a high dude.

    I just feel kinda sorry for newbies because I know their situation, haha.
    Still I'm heartless enough to exploit them as long as possible (matchmaking basing on PR, being able to lower your PR on purpose).

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