Big fish eat the little ones

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Markstr8, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Markstr8

    Markstr8 Powder Monkey

    I've noticed that the guys that have the most often purposely run down their pirate score so they are able to easily raid the little guys and take all their gold and grog. Would be nice if who you could attack was based on the level of your academy and pirate hall rather than pirate score. Make people work for it rather than just picking on newer players.
  2. It differs from player to player, but most (the one's with a little honor in them anyway) drop rank every now and then to protect their loot and gather much in short time, for those really expensive upgrades. Other than that they (should) try to achieve a higher rank.. Then again, no honor amongst thieves, is there? :eek:
  3. I freely admit I am now an advanced PH 7 who attacks the highest loot I find. In a research effort a few weeks ago I dropped all the way to 1 looking for good loot hiding down there; my highest PR is around 675. I don't care beans about a defender's PR, hall level, or mostly even defenses at this point, I just look for loot.

    If a low ranking, low pirate hall player can amass millions of grog and gold to make him a worthwhile target then why on earth should he be protected by the game. It's not like I look for PH 4 players with 50k grog to steal and ruin their day, but if you have over 600k available for me to take, then expect a visit.

    TL;DR If you can earn millions of grog you better learn how to protect it
  4. Tiger Claw

    Tiger Claw Captain

    I feel your pain, but that's what Pirates do. The best advise I can offer ye is spending your plunder ASAP. I realize This approach does become harder as the need for loot grows. Its time like this that you must be dedicated in reaching your goal and spending the loot before going offline. Gem's can help speed your recruitment process if time isn't a luxury ye have.

    Christy likes this.

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