Biggest loot you have seen

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Razor, Sep 24, 2014.

  1. Edward Kenway

    Edward Kenway Captain

    The biggest loot I have ever seen is 250k gold and 270K grog
    .Lord M€G/\T|2ON. likes this.
  2. Goose

    Goose Crew

    rly ? :D:D:D
    Edward Kenway likes this.
  3. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    Edward's too cheap to hit the next button.
  4. biggest raid I've done was 1.097.694 gold and 167.042 grog. Found him somewhere around PR 250. But i've seen raids from guild mates getting even more.
  5. Tex

    Tex Commodore

    My biggest plunder came last night...
  6. SlimShadyFromD12

    SlimShadyFromD12 Powder Monkey

    The biggest raid I have seen was around 30k in total. Not much but I'm still Pirate Hall 2. A lot for me and it helped since I am trying to max out my base before moving on.
  7. Stevo the Pirate

    Stevo the Pirate Powder Monkey

    It's not 3.45MM but it'll do.
    The Fish Eyed Pirate likes this.
  8. Floki

    Floki Captain

    Like Stevo 1.2 mil in gold but never seen grog at that level I got 1.2 mil gold and about 160k grog forget the bases name but the funniest thing was my very next raid clicking through spending my 300 and I dropped in on the same base and got another 1.2 mil.....He would have been miffed me thinks.:p
    If your out there and you read this I want to do it again....:D
  9. Tex - nice haul

    SlimShady - that's cool. It might be the best way. I gemmed an upgrade on my Pirate Hall - once - before my defense was maxed and it was a little frustrating playing catch up. Its more fun to wait on your Hall. And cheaper, too (the higher the Pirate Hall the more it costs to hit "next").

    Stevo - thats one nice haul.
  10. SlimShadyFromD12

    SlimShadyFromD12 Powder Monkey

    I have to update my biggest loot seen now.
    I couldn't believe this offer and took it all even though I can only store 91.5k gold & grog.
  11. Cocobean

    Cocobean First Mate

    Just scored slightly over $1 million in grog. Only 80k in gold.
  12. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I hate it (not really) when you find a base with 1.5 Million gold and... 2,000 grog. :(
    Shonda La likes this.

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