Blacksmith balancing.

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Skye, Feb 11, 2015.


Would you like to see a tweak on the BlackSmith?

  1. Yes, It should be made more effective.

  2. No, it's fine as it is.

  3. Yes, it should be made less effective

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  1. Skye

    Skye Commodore

    One possibility: percent based boosts- maybe make the levels 3/6/9% or something. While it helps a lot with gunners, the bonus is barely noticeable on higher end units which take many tavern slots.

    Other possibility: multiply damage bonus by tavern slots used.

    It might need further tweaking a bit; but 9 damage across 20+ gunners is imbalanced against only a couple h gunners for example. Maybe ac7 will fix the balance a bit when it's out but right now gunners (and to a lesser degree bombers) are the only viable dps solution endgame and heavier units could use a boost to catch up
  2. Kizmatti

    Kizmatti First Mate

    Blacksmith perk is fine as is.

    Gunners die fast, so the 9 damage on 20 gunners doesn't mean much when the mortar nuked them all in 2 hits.

    That doesn't happen with Jugs, & Brutes.

    Fact Gunners, Brutes, and Jugs are 3 units in the game that are worth using. All the other units are useless right now, but the Blacksmith perk has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  3. I would love to hear more discussion on this topic before I add this on the masterlist. Whats the general opinion on the blacksmith? I will add a poll to this thread and let's see what people think!
  4. SaK

    SaK First Mate

    Everywhere i see masterlist...

    What is this " masterlist"?
    Does somebody from midoki even looks at it?
    Midoki has given u the responsibility to do this list or u have taken it by urself?
    Too many questions...i know:rolleyes:
  5. Salty Snack

    Salty Snack Captain

    I only know that when I attack without the blacksmith there is a very noticeable difference in results!
    Tikigirl likes this.
  6. Well somebody had to make us moderator.:p
    So yes Midoki has given us that responsibility, it makes it a lot easier for them to keep tracks of all requested features.
    And it's also for other forum users so they can find threads about requested features more easily, and to prevent double posting.

    And since you are a regular here I suggest you check them out, they are pinned to the top of every category in the improvements section on the forum.
    Each category has it's own masterlist maintained by it's own maintainer. Just to prevent, wel you know, double posting.. ;)
  7. Back to the original topic:
    Would you like to see a tweak on the BlackSmith?
  8. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    Good question. The offensive player in me wants it to be more powerful, but the defensive player in me feels that it is fine. If it goes to a % based number, then juggs and other high hit point pirates could only be used and completely slaughter defenses. Which, they already do a good job at as it is.

    I have noticed this as well, but then again, I use a lot of gunners, so when they lose their damage, its pretty dramatic. I would like to see a change to the cool down, possibly changed to where there isn't one. Or maybe instead of the buff lasting for 24 hours, it lasts 22 or 26, so that it still changes 2 hours but we again lose the cool down. I'm just wishful thinking though.
    Tikigirl likes this.

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