[Bomber]-"Kabooooom!!!" skill by 50 bombers!

Discussion in 'Battle Strategies' started by Roserio, Nov 8, 2014.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    plunder pirates special skill called kabooooom!!!,
    the ultimate skill of the bomber, try to enjoy the 50bombers activating this skill at once.

    How will be the consequence of this skill?

    anyway but it's seem there are no damage to the buildings because the splash damage's range is too short.This should be patched or should have some upgrade to make the range of the explosion broader as the bomber is not melee attacker which is close enough to make some damage.

    anyway, check the skill yourself!

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  2. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Can anyone shed light on what the skill is actually meant to do?
    It appears it does minimal, if any, damage to surrounding buildings.
  3. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Yeah, the animation seems to be way bigger than the actual blast radius. Buildings don't get damaged, so all it does it stun your nearby troops.
  4. c00ni

    c00ni First Mate

    Seriously? It's only used to make things *worse* for your own pirates???
    Anyone know of a benefit?
  5. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I can only assume it's supposed to damage buildings and walls within the blast area, but it just...doesn't. The video above shows it pretty clearly.

    BOB FOLY Crew

    I was really excited to get this ability just to find i had no use for it, blast radious seems small the stun your troops is stupid, stun the Bombers sure but stunning all troops is bad.
    I sometimes use it to try to get threw walks faster seeing as the Bombers get distracted and don't always ATTACK the walls even when standing right next to them.

    Seems like the troops having a prefered target doesn't work worth a crap most of the time other then the thief.

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