[Bomber_Kabooooom!!!]-skill upgrade

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Roserio, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. Roserio

    Roserio First Mate

    when you upgrade "kabooooom!!!" skill of the bomber,
    as the explosion radius is very small, it doesn't affect the buildings at all.

    As bomber is not melee attackers, it has certain distance from the building as it throws the bombs. so though this kabooooom skill explodes, it does no harm to the buildings at all.
    it should be at least rage same as the 'dead man's trigger' to affect the buildings or else it's almost useless.

    please patch this on next upgrades.

    and can you make upgrades in bombers skill trees...of making the range of the kaboooom bomb getting larger and bigger every time you upgrade?

    this will be fun and exciting to see the bomb affecting bigger ranges!
    One-Eyed Willy likes this.
  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Or make them charge towards the center of the base for 3 seconds before exploding.
    Kelani and One-Eyed Willy like this.

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