Bombers walk through or hop over wall.

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by LYM, Jun 2, 2015.

  1. LYM

    LYM Captain

    Bombers walk through or hop over wall. One day the bomber will do what they should lol, they normally go burn them selves at the nearest flame gate, see video.

    Kelani and Becker Redbeard like this.
  2. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    Better amend your title to include Heavy Gunners. They do it also. :)

    The video is slowed down and has dropped frames for some reason, but the battle and replay were normal. After the HG teleports to the wall grid, you can see him walk over the last two segments.

    cc: @Lynsey [Midoki]
    LYM likes this.
  3. Raptelan

    Raptelan Captain

    Nice to see my layout getting around, lol.

    We saw a good example of this earlier in our guild:
  4. Okay guys, who gave them Red Bull?
    Skye and LYM like this.

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