Bonus Loot and BP Rewards for Raids

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by Smelly_Vile, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Lynsey mentioned somewhere in the General Discussion Forum that they will be introducing some tweaks to the raider v.s. defender matchmaking mechanism in the forthcoming update. Out of the concerns/context raised in this thread of mine(, I have two suggestions for the game and its upcoming matchmaking system tweak.

    (1) Bonus Loot Reward

    Lynsey stated that players will be rewarded for attacking an island of PH-level equal or higher than their own. I thought about it and the only way I can see this work effectively (unlike the previous Loot Penalty system which IMO had little impact) is to introduce a scaled "bonus loot reward" that is independent of the amount of loot available of the island being raided. This bonus loot reward can be triggered by 2-starring an island and it awarded to the successful raider no matter how much loot is available on the island that was 2-starred.

    For instance, a PH4-player will be rewarded with 10k gold and grog for 2-starring a PH5 island while being rewarded with 50k gold and grog for 2-starring a PH6. A PH7-player on the other hand can get 1 m gold and grog for 2-starring a PH8. These numbers are just arbritarily set for illustration purpose, but you can see how the bonus reward depends on the both the raider's and the defender's PH level. And since this reward is independent of the amount of loot available of the island being raided, players no longer need to worry about pushing PR while experiencing increasing difficulty to fund their recruitment and island upgrades (many players above PR 700 or so have little loot on their island).

    (2) Improved BP Reward System for Raids

    To prevent high PH level players from "farming BP" by raiding low PH level players, make it such that BP reward from raids scales proportionally to factors such as the island's PH level, the island owner's PR, and whether you 1*/2*3* the island.

    Just my two cents for the matchmaking system ;) I believe both features above, when combined, can help discourage higher-level players from dropping PR to farm loot from lower-level players.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
    alebvk likes this.
  2. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    (2) Improved BP Reward System for Raids

    To prevent high PH level players from "farming BP" by raiding low PH level players, make it such that BP reward from raids scales proportionally to factors such as the island's PH level, the island owner's PR, and whether you 1*/2*3* the island.

    Just my two cents for the matchmaking system ;) I believe both features above, when combined, can help discourage higher-level players from dropping PR to farm loot from lower-level players.
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2015
  3. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Hope it is ok for me to bump this thread of mine. @Tex @Moostache I am sure you would love these suggestions of mine. Please show some support!
  4. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    I'm a big fan of loot/BP bonuses, and have no comment on the criteria used to determine then, I just want them to be high enough to encourage people to go for them. In Clash, my mid-level league gives me 8k/8k per raid. It's pointless. The high level leagues gives 30k/30k which would be nice for me, but sucks for them as well, I'm sure.

    At PH8 vs PH8, given the cost of troops, time between raids, and likelihood you'll lose, these rewards need to be significant. I'm thinking like 200k/200k and 20+BP. If I somehow win 6 raids in a day, then that's a fair amount. The problem is those rewards which are adequate for normal players become obscene when applied to troop gemmers. There needs to be something to prevent those from becoming a primary source of revenue for those guys :)
    alebvk and Smelly_Vile like this.
  5. Smelly_Vile

    Smelly_Vile First Mate

    Agree with you :D

    I personally prefer 700k+/700k+ resources and 200+ BP :p As for "obscene to troop gemmers", oh well... if only there is a way for the system to reduce the loot/BP reward for those who gem... but then I suppose Midoki would love players to gem... :p
    Kelani likes this.
  6. Steve winslade

    Steve winslade Powder Monkey

    Bp needs to be better as 13 for a raid does not help u get anywhere in upgrading as it would take months. Maybe 200 to 250 a raid or it not worth doing. 13 for a 3 star win and waiting that long on troops does not help
  7. Kelani

    Kelani Commodore

    That's why exploration and fishing 4* serpents, 3* bigger, 4* big and 4* bigger fish is crucial. Around 95% of your BP for upgrading should come from that.

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