Buccaneers disappearing!

Discussion in 'Battle Bugs' started by lokim, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. lokim

    lokim Powder Monkey

    I drop half my buccaneers (shooters), use their ability... The other half disappear in battle, and are no longer deployable!
  2. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Once your pirates are deployed you don't get them back. The game only returns pirates from explorations, not from attacking other islands or strongholds.
  3. lokim

    lokim Powder Monkey

    Thats not what i am saying... 1 battle...

    I go in with 50 gunners....

    I drop half of them, use their ability....

    My 25 not dropped disappear and i cant deploy em in the same fight!
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    ohhh...What device are you playing on? Can you post pics? describe the situation in more detail?
  5. lokim

    lokim Powder Monkey

    I play on iPad mini

    I bring a bunch of gunners into battle...

    I drop half of them on the one side.. Hit their ability to increase their dps to take the PH out.. Once i hit that ability, the other half of gunners i didnt drop disappear and are gone forever. The fight continues to the end, never giving me my other half of the troops after the first half of gunners used their ability.

    That make sense?
  6. If you can post your IGN and estimated time of the battle here a staffmember can check the replay and maybe help you out. @Sir Bugsalot maybe you can help?
  7. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    @lokim - does this happen frequently, or just occasionally? What version of iOS are you using and which mini? Please also post the date,time,yours and your opponents names of the battle it last happened on. Lastly, is it only Gunners or is it happening to other pirate troops as well?
  8. lokim

    lokim Powder Monkey

    It happened a couple times weeks ago, i have tested it out since twice and it hasnt erased the troops, i have since upgraded to new iOS as well. I will test it some more. I had forgotten to make a bug report right away, so far it hasnt happened again.
  9. Gangrene Beard

    Gangrene Beard Commodore

    Keep at it, and gather/share as much information as you can to help others too :)

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