Bug with buying gems

Discussion in 'General Bugs' started by The Fish Eyed Pirate, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. Hey @Chris [Midoki]

    I got this problem with buying gems I have never seen before.
    When I choose how much gems I want to buy I have to fill in my Apple-ID password. When I do that it says:
    Your Apple ID can't been find of the password was wrong, try again. (roughly translated from Dutch)
    - The password is correct, I can login to ICloud
    - The Apple ID is also correct
    - This is since yesterday, I have tried several times

    I googled and some forum said it was because ICloud was down, and according to Apple that is not the problem (at least according to their server) And this is going on since yesterday..

    Any clue's? (I understand this is most likely a problem on Apple's side but anyway you are way faster then Apple support ;))
  2. Admin [Midoki]

    Admin [Midoki] Administrator Staff Member

    Unfortunately much as I would like to be able to fix all the problems in the world, this is definitely nothing to do with us :) In the game all we do is use Apple's dialogue box, so I would suggest you sign out of your account and try rebooting the device.

    Probably not what you wanted to hear but it's the best I've got :)
  3. Thanks anyway!

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