Capture the flag

Discussion in 'Battle Improvements' started by peg-brain bob, Mar 4, 2016.

  1. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I tried to search for this but couldn't see it (apologies if it has already been suggested).

    I would love to see a 'Capture the flag' feature added to PP. Either Guild Vs Guild or (better still) allow everyone to join but pick a side.

    My idea is 'Living' Vs 'Dead' - i.e. One side can only use academy troops and the other only voodoo troops.

    The 'Arena' could be either normal attacks (with the above restriction) or specially created islands (that were equally beatable by both sides).

    Either way the 'Flag' would be a 3* victory (not points) thereby putting skill above quantity of attacks.

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