Change your Flags for France!

Discussion in 'Off topic' started by locomoco, Nov 14, 2015.

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  1. locomoco

    locomoco Powder Monkey

    I am shocked and saddened by what has happened in Paris.

    In recognition of these terrible acts, I've changed the Flag on my island to the French Flag to show support and unity with with French people. I've suggested the same to the members of my guild and they are very supportive.

    Let's promote this across all of the plunder world. Change your flags to support FRANCE!
    peg-brain bob and mlc like this.
  2. HornyQuokka

    HornyQuokka Captain

    It won t change anything, nor will it make anything better. Why not changing our flags to a country where little children starve because of hunger every day???

    I just want to point out that every day we have so many sad tragedies and evil happen all over the world but mostly we ignore, are not aware , or don t care, cause otherwise you would be depressed 24/7.

    This is a game we play to enjoy and get away of the real world, so for my part i prefer to leave such things into the real world and out of any games.
  3. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes, very good idea. It's such an atrocity, I was watching it for hours last night. Just horrible.
    locomoco likes this.
  4. mlc

    mlc Captain

    I will be doing the same also! Such sad news!
    Zink and locomoco like this.
  5. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I wholeheartedly agree with this simple act of showing solidarity towards the people of Paris!
    locomoco and mlc like this.
  6. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Yeah, very sad.
    224 (not 129) dead including 25 children in A321 catastrophe in Egypt.
    Nobody shocked and changed flags here.
    Only ***** up Charlie Herbo caricatures. Its high time for them to draw some fresh ones.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2015
  7. Zink

    Zink Captain

    i got it changed on facebook, more visibility there
    locomoco and mlc like this.
  8. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    I really don't wish to stir up anything by responding to these messages... (but imho)

    Yes the world is full of tragedies and death and so yes we play a game to escape this... however showing solidarity isn't really that big of an inconvenience is it?

    Secondly - agreed there are many causes of death, the plane crash for instance (at the moment cause is unknown). However in Paris the cause is very definitely known - multiple organised attacks with the specific purpose of creating confusion & fear.

    We simply wish to show solidarity so that if we can, we give the people affected some faith in humanity.
    locomoco likes this.
  9. Bl00dBaTh

    Bl00dBaTh Captain

    Yes you couldn't be more right, we play these games to escape for a time, but when something horrific like this happens showing a little compassion isn't too much to ask. And you can't compare an accident to the acts of terrorism, one is just that, an accident. The other is a sickening act to instil fear & kill as many innocent people as possible.
    mlc likes this.
  10. Эскадрон

    Эскадрон Powder Monkey

    We show solidarity to our tragedy. The French are frivolous.
    They can post caricature and lought on it . But they not understand that hurt those who grieve. So yes , I'm very sad! Sad about double standard politics .
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2015
  11. Burnz

    Burnz Captain

    I am very confused about your entire post. How about you type what you mean and then someone familiar with your language translate it to us
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2015
    Black-ish Beard and mlc like this.
  12. DerWeisseWolf

    DerWeisseWolf Powder Monkey

    And not to forget the terroristic act in Turkey Ankara where also over 100-200 ppl lost their lives.

    Nobody changed flags there neither.

    There seem definitely To be second class ppl in many humans opinion, how else is such attitude explainabale?
  13. peg-brain bob

    peg-brain bob Captain

    (imho) Accusations against each other in this thread are not helpful to anyone. There is absolutely no intention of different classes of people - we are ALL humans!

    Criticism of 'double-standards' is fair - however this should not be levelled at ordinary people (who only know about the events that are reported) - these accusations should be levelled at 'western' media organisations who give MASSIVE bias towards stories in their own region.

    Finally to say that Russia is the only country fighting against ISIS is completely unfair - several countries are carrying out air strikes (including obviously France - which is why ISIS targeted Paris!)
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 15, 2015
    locomoco and DerWeisseWolf like this.
  14. Barbed

    Barbed First Mate

    Russia is the only county whose strikes have real effect and the only country infamously howling and belying by western mass media for them.
    Agreed with the rest, but 'ordinary people' must be pointed at what they do and how does it look like if they don't see it themselves.
  15. Lynsey [Midoki]

    Lynsey [Midoki] Senior Designer Staff Member

    I've closed this thread as is was getting a bit heated and political (which is against forum guidelines). Naturally our thoughts go out to all those countries who have suffered mass loss of life.
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