Check my new ph5 build

Discussion in 'Build Strategies' started by Syun, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. Syun

    Syun Crew

    I'm near upgrading to ph6. I moved my ph hall in the middle so units will target it while my defenses destroy them. With the golds and grogs acting as shield and thr ship on top since no one lands near the ship anyway and it they do my defenses are also in range.

  2. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    It looks solid. Are you worried about a brute/jugg/bomber combo coming at the side with the mortars? If I was attacking it that is what I'd try. Then follow up with gunners.

    Don't take my question the wrong way. I like your layout.
  3. Syun

    Syun Crew

    Yes i believe they will atk at both sides or top. Bottom has way too much high hp buildings and double fence. But i do hope the mortars/cannons will kill them first. I have yet been attacked so i cant test it yet. But there is something having the defences in close proximity, i think they're stronger (?).
  4. Bear

    Bear Commodore

    Well personaly. My bombers have the wall breaker ability. So double wall doesn't discourage me. And if I can take out those 3 canons 2 mortars on that side. My gunners will clean up the rest.
  5. Roodhen ongoogle

    Roodhen ongoogle Powder Monkey

    Yeeaaahhh i wish it's better yeah. Beacuse i always lose if someone attack me ;) Can be lose 400k of gold and 200k of grog

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